
Each seeks his own balance in order to stabilise himself.

Tiny waxy flowers in white and shades of pink, red and yellow with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Michael Wolf

Perfect Balance

One of the most important conditions of a growing peace.

Medium-sized single or double flowers in white and shades of pink, red and yellow with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: AC

Psychic Balance
Under the psychic influence all activity becomes balanced.

Tiny pink waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Picture Courtesy: Olaf Leillinger

Perfect Psychic Balance
On the way to transformation.

Medium-sized single or double pink flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Longdistgramma

Mental Balance
Mind governed by reason.

Tiny yellow waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Eric

Perfect Mental Balance

Indispensable for facing the difficulties of life.

Medium-sized single or double yellow flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: MShades

Integral Balance
It multiplies itself so as not to be static.

Tiny white waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Montrealais

Perfect Integral Balance
One is ready for transformation.

Medium-sized single or double white flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Art Poskanzer

Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.

All medium-sized bicoloured flowers. A large shrub.

Photo Courtesy: Renjishino

Balanced use of the Integral Power

In truth, power can only become integral when it is used in a balanced way.

Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Showy medium-sized single white velvety bell- shaped flower with a spreading limb divided into five to twelve lobes with ruffled edges; borne singly or in small clusters on long stems. A low tuberous perennial herb with broad pubescent leaves.

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