The "Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words "mind" and "mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence.
Its true value depends on its surrender to the Divine.
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow oleander, Be-still tree, Lucky nut
Medium-sized fragrant yellow narrow funnel- shaped flower with swirled petals; borne in few-flowered cymes. A large shrub or small tree with glossy linear lanceolate leaves and highly poisonous fruits.
Photo Courtesy: Bernard Loison
Purified Mind
Mind ready to surrender to the Divine.
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow oleander, Be-still tree, Lucky nut
Medium-sized fragrant white narrow funnel- shaped flower with swirled petals; borne in few-flowered cymes. A large shrub or small tree with glossy linear lanceolate leaves and highly poisonous fruits.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Supramentalised Mind
Mind has become an instrument for transformation.
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow oleander. Be-still tree, Lucky nut
Medium-sized fragrant orange narrow funnel-shaped flower with swirled petals; borne singly. A large shrub or small tree with glossy linear lanceolate leaves and highly poisonous fruits.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Birth of True Mental Sincerity
With its birth the mind will understand that it is only an intermediary and not an end in itself.
Melampodium paludosum
Small single yellow compositae flower with a dark brown centre; borne in leafy cymes. A long-blooming perennial herb.
Photo Courtesy: Van swearingen
First Mental Awakening in Matter
It has preceded and prepared man's future upon earth.
Tribulus terrestris
Caltrop, Devil's weed, Puncture vine, Burnut
Small yellow saucer-shaped rotate wayside flower with five spreading overlapping petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A mostly prostrate annual or perennial herb bearing hard nutlets with sharp spines.
Photo Courtesy: Manuel M. Ramos
Mental Purity
A mirror that does not distort.
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Small single white salverform flower with five rotate lobes resembling a pinwheel, and a yellow centre; borne in compound clusters. A large handsome almost ever-blooming shrub with glossy dark green leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar
Integral Mental Purity
Silent, attentive, receptive, concentrated on the Divine-such is the path of purity.
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Medium-sized slightly fragrant semi-double white salverform flower with curling slightly crinkled petal-like lobes. A medium-sized shrub with glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Eric in SF
Perfect Mental Purity
A spotless mirror turned constantly towards the Divine.
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Medium-sized fragrant double white salverform flower with heavily crinkled petal-like lobes. A medium-sized shrub with glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar
Mental Aspiration
Its expression is clear precise and very reasonable.
Ixora coccinea
Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Small light yellow salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and the limb divided into four narrow diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large corymbs. A small to medium-sized shrub with leathery leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Mental Attachment to the Divine
Beautiful in form and in expression.
Dendrobium moschatum
Medium-sized fragrant pale golden orange flower with one erect and two lower sepals, two wider horizontal petals and a prominent fuzzy, pouchlike lip with two maroon spots near the base; borne in pendulous racemes. A showy epiphyte.
Photo Copyright and Courtesy:
Mental Balance
Mind governed by reason.
Tiny yellow waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.
Picture Courtesy: Eric
Perfect Mental Balance
Indispensable for facing the difficulties of life.
Medium-sized single or double yellow flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. .A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.
Picture Courtesy: MShades
Mental Boldness
May your mind be capable of foreseeing the perfections of tomorrow.
Celosia argentea (Cristata)
Common cockscomb
Yellow compact velvety rounded or flared floral heads with intricate convolutions; the tiny inconspicuous flowers are sparsely arranged on the stem below. A bold striking annual.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mental Chastity
Precious and magnificent in its purity.
Oncoba spinosa
Medium-sized fragrant white saucer-shaped flower with a large prominent centre of innumerable soft yellow stamens; borne singly. A small tree with long sharp spines.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Mental Cheerfulness
It knows how to enjoy everything.
Gaillardia pulchella 'Picta (Sweet)'
Indian blanket, Blanket flower, Fire-wheels
Medium-sized single compositae yellow flower with flat three-lobed ray florets , slightly recurved when fully open and encircle the convex central disc. A commonly cultivated garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Mola
Mental Curiosity
Should be strictly controlled so as not to be dangerous.
Holmskioldia sanguinea
Cup and saucer plant, Mandarins-hat, Chinese- hat plant, Parasol flower
Small narrow tubular lemon yellow flowers arising from open parasol-like calyces; borne in clusters in short axillary racemes. A straggling evergreen shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mental Endurance
The difficulty of the problems to be solved will never discourage it.
Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Large, usually double compositae yellow flowers with firm spatulate ray florets; borne singly on sturdy stems. A long- blooming garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Mental Fantasy
Disorderly, it too often lacks coordination.
Delonix elata
Medium-sized cream white flower with four frilled rounded petals, a smaller raised and curled lemon yellow lip and ten very long conspicuous orange stamens; the flower fades to soft gold with age; borne in terminal corymbs. A medium-sized spreading tree with feathery foliage.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Mental Goodwill
Likes to show off a little, but is very useful.
Mussaenda luteola
Small lemon yellow or yellow funnel-shaped flower with five petals embossed with a star; the base of the flower is surrounded by one to five conspicuous sepals of various forms and sizes in cream white, pink or red which form the attractive part of the flower; borne in sparse terminal clusters. An erect decorative shrub.
Mental Gratitude
The gratefulness of the mind for what makes it progress.
Merremia tuberosa
Wood rose, Yellow morning glory, Spanish woodbine, Hawaiian wood rose
Medium-sized golden yellow funnelform flower with the corolla tube completely enclosed by enlarged sepals; borne in few-flowered clusters from the leaf axils but blooms one at a time. A vigorous woody vine that has palmate leaves with seven deeply cut lobes and dried seed capsules that resemble carved wooden roses.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mental Honesty
One does not try to deceive others nor to deceive itself.
Tristellateia australasiae
Small bright yellow flower with five narrow separated petals and tiny red stamens; borne in short racemes. An almost ever-blooming woody vine of moderate growth.
Photo Courtesy: Tuis
Mental Love for the Divine
The nature offers its love in a fragrant blossoming.
Medium to large yellow flower. A medium to large shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Stan Shebs
Mental Love under the Psychic Influence
The mind influenced by the psychic knows how to express its love for the Divine in magnificent terms.
Rosa ‘Peace’
Medium to large cream or yellow flower tinged with pink. A medium to large shrub.
Mental Surrender
Occurs when the mind has understood that it is only an instrument.
Medium to large yellow flower tinged with orange. A medium to large shrub.
Mental Opening
The first step of the mind towards transformation.
Barleria prionitis
Small golden yellow salverform flower with pointed petals that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny subshrub.
Picture Courtesy: Tony from Sydney
Mental Plasticity
Indispensable for true knowledge.
Tagetes erecta
African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Medium to large compact double compositae yellow flowers with convoluted petals; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters. An annual or perennial herb with strongly aromatic leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Lestat (Jan Mehlich)
Energy of a Plastic Mind
Does not draw back from any effort to progress.
Tagetes erecta
African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Medium to large compact double compositae bright yellow flower with finely frilled incurved petals; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters. An annual or perennial herb with strongly aromatic leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Akahodog
Mental Prayer
Spontaneous in a mind that is aspiring for transformation.
Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small to medium-sized funnel-shaped fragrant yellow flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Bernard Loison
Mental pride
(No comment)
Medium-sized semi-double yellow compositae flowers with two or three rows of ray florets and a central yellow disc; borne singly or in clusters.
Mental Promise
The assurance that the Supramental goal will be realised.
Abutilon Xhybridum
Chinese lantern, Flowering maple, Parlor maple, Indian mallow
Small to medium-sized pendant bell-shaped bright yellow flowers with stamens united in a central tubular column; borne singly and often nodding on axillary peduncles. A perennial herb or small shrub.
Photo Courtesy: louisa_catlover
Mental Receptivity
Always ready to learn.
Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Tall elegant compact one-sided spike of small to medium-sized yellow flowers with six flared petals that are often ruffled and frilled; a bulbous plant with sword-shaped leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Eric in SF
Mental Simplicity
Does not like complications.
Thymophylla tenuiloba [Dysodia tenuiloba]
Golden fleece, Dahlberg daisy
Tiny compositae flower with yellow ray florets and a yellow centre; borne singly among finely cut aromatic leaves. A low bushy annual herb.
Photo Courtesy: Jillhudgins
Mental Sincerity
The essential condition for integral honesty.
Tiny yellow starlike flowers borne in tall feathery branching racemes. A vigorous rhizomatous perennial herb.
Photo Courtesy: Steeve C
Mental Spirit of Imitation
What you cannot find for yourself, you imitate.
Dendrophthoe falcata
Medium-sized pale orange yellow narrow tubular flower with exserted stamens tipped with bright red anthers and a corolla tube that ends in five narrow green recurved lobes resembling a star; borne in axillary clusters along the branches of trees. A parasitic plant.
Photo Courtesy: J.M.Garg
Mental Suggestions of Organization
Abundant and clustered, a little dull.
Aglaia odorata
Chinese rice flower
Very tiny yellow sweet-scented globose flowers borne in axillary racemes. A large evergreen shrub that has glossy dark green pinnate leaves with five to seven leaflets.
Picture Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mental Tapasya
The process leading to the goal.
Thorn apple
Large single or double mildly fragrant erect trumpet-shaped yellow flower with corolla tube partly encased in a large velvety inflated green calyx; borne singly from the leaf axils. A highly poisonous annual or short-lived perennial herb with large dark green tomentose leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Rowdy Rider
Mental Trust in the Divine
Firm and definitive it does not question.
Asystasia gangetica
Small cream yellow funnelform flowers with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.
Photo Courtesy:
Trust in the Vital Mind for the Divine
Opens itself to the Divine Consciousness, without trying to hide anything from It.
Asystasia gangetica
Small, Pale yellow funnelform flower with a light lavender spot on the throat; with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.
Picture not available.
Mental Voice
The mind must learn to express only what is dictated by the Divine.
Gmelina philippensis
Wild sage
Pendulous racemes of small bright yellow tubular flowers that expand to a wide throat with one extended and three recurved lobes which emerge from conspicuous purplish overlapping bracts. A large spiny scandent shrub with a rambling habit.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mentalised Power
Power becomes utilisable.
Abelmoschus esculentus
Okra, gumbo, lady’s finger
Medium-sized bright lemon yellow rotate flower with five soft overlapping petals, a dark red centre and prominent dark red stigmas; borne singly. A common garden vegetable in warm climates.
Picture Courtesy:Banjos9090
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Viceroy
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Small, medium or large single lemon yellow flowers with strikingly contrasting bright red or maroon centre.
Photo Courtesy: Jaide1202
Power in the Converted Mind
When the mind turns towards the Divine it becomes a powerful instrument.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Viceroy
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single bright ochre yellow flower with crinkled petals.
Photo Courtesy: JIGGS IMAGES
Power of Mental Expression
Has no value unless it is at the service of the Divine.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate yellow flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Picture courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Skill in Mental Work
To know how to observe in silence is the source of its skillfulness.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small yellow salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: fuentedelateja
Supramentalised Mental Dignity
Tolerates no pettiness in thought turned towards the Truth.
Medium to large (10-15 cm) fully double orange yellow flowers with symmetrically arranged ray florets in a variety of forms (broad, rounded or cupped).
Photo Courtesy: Cillas
Aspiration for Silence in the Mind
Too noisy to be effective.
Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small sky blue salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Aspiration for Silence in the physical Mind
Does what it can, but cannot do much.
Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small blue violet salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Aspiration of the Mind for the Supramental Guidance
The mind feels that its complexity is powerless and asks for a greater light to illuminate it.
Justicia aurea
Medium-sized yellow tubular flower with the corolla partly divided into two lips, emerging from a conspicuous dark green bract; in dense brushlike terminal spikes. An erect narrow shrub with four-sided stems.
Attentive Mind
The mind attains its full utility when it knows how to listen to the higher inspiration.
Senna, Shower tree
Small yellow cup-shaped flowers with five obovate petals; borne in axillary or terminal clusters. Shrubs or small to medium-sized trees. All yellow-flowered Cassias except Cassia alata and Cassia fistula are included in this significance.
Photo Courtesy: Gertrud K.
Awakening in the mind
Let it turn to the Light and to the Light alone.
Turnera ulmifolia
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Small yellow saucer-shaped flower with five slightly separated rounded petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A subshrub with pubescent heavily serrated lanceolate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Tim Waters
Awakening of the Physical Mind
It wants to know and opens itself wide in order to understand.
Turnera subulata
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Medium-sized cream white saucer-shaped flower with five rounded petals crimped at outer edge, a tiny maroon streaked centre with an yellow aura; borne singly from the leaf as A perennial herb with serrate pubescent leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Blue Dolphin
Clear Mind
The first step on the way to conversion.
Artabotrys hexapetalus
Climbing ilang-ilang
Medium-sized pendulous flower with six thick fleshy tapering petals and a fruitlike fragrance; flowers open greenish yellow and become yellow with age; borne singly or in clusters. A vigorous climbing shrub.
Picture Courtesy: Tony
Conversion of the Higher Mind
Receives its inspirations from the Divine Consciousness.
Lycoris aurea
Golden hurricane lily, Golden spider lily
Medium-sized bright golden yellow funnelform flower with a short tube opening into curved lobes and long exserted stamens creating a spidery appearance; borne in umbels on a solid scape. A bulbous herb that flowers in a leafless state.
Conversion of the Mind
The mind has freed itself of its arrogance and knows that it is only an instrument.
Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Large trumpet-shaped yellow flowers with six flared petals and long curving stamens; borne on tall sturdy scapes. A large bulb with thick, usually strap like leaves that appear after the blooming season.
Picture not available.
Conversion of the Physical Mind
Ready to understand everything and to grow continually.
Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Large trumpet-shaped salmon orange flowers with six flared petals and long curving stamens; borne on tall sturdy scapes. A large bulb with thick, usually strap like leaves that appear after the blooming season.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Fire in the Mind
An ardour that sets ideas ablaze.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima [Poinciana pulcherrima]
Barbados pride, Paradise flower, Peacock flower, Barbados flower fence
Small striking golden yellow flower with four equal petals, a smaller lip and very long prominent stamens; borne in erect racemes. A large somewhat prickly shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Ryan Brookes
Formative Faculty in the Mind
It is a natural and very spontaneous gift.
Crotalaria juncea
Sun hemp
Small bright yellow papilionaceous flower; borne in terminal racemes. A shrub with trifoliate leaves and grooved striated stems commonly cultivated for its fibre.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Higher Mind
Its superiority lies in its capacity to open to the Divine Light.
Tecoma stans
Yellow bells, Yellow elder
Small very fragrant bright yellow trumpet- shaped salverform flower in showy clusters. A floriferous shrub or small tree.
Photo Courtesy: Abbamouse
Physical Mind
Becomes a good instrument of action when it is content to be that alone.
Tecoma X smithii [Tecoma alata]
Trumpet bush
Small yellow trumpet-shaped flower with flattened corolla tube tinged with sienna on the upper side and a spreading limb divided into five rounded lobes; borne in terminal clusters. An erect shrub with small serrate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Honesty in the Physical Mind
Preliminary condition indispensable for transformation.
Galphimia glauca
Small mildly fragrant yellow star-shaped flower with five widely separated spatulate petals; borne in terminal racemes. A small to medium-sized shrub almost continually in bloom.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Illumined Mind Centre
In the peace that comes from the perfect light.
Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Large showy pale yellow flower with three soft round irregular petals borne in terminal clusters on sturdy stems; erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.
Photo Courtesy: Cremondiou
Intuitive Mind Centre
The activity of correct perception.
Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Large showy light or dark yellow flowers having a few red specks towards the centre with three soft round irregular petals borne in terminal clusters on sturdy stems; erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.
Photo Courtesy: KENPEI
Kind Mind
The mind prepares itself for conversion.
Luffa acutangula
Angled luffa, Sing-kwa, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd
Medium-sized mildly fragrant light yellow salverform flower with five delicate separated petals; borne in clusters on long stems from the leaf axils. A vine which bears long prominently ribbed fruits that are edible when young and the source of luffa sponges when mature.
Photo Courtesy: sriaurobindoashram
Krishna’s Light in the Mind
A charming way of becoming intelligent.
Thunbergia grandiflora
Blue trumpet vine, Clock vine, Bengal clock vine, Sky vine
Large light lavender salverform flower with a broad limb divided into five rounded lobes, a soft yellow centre and a corolla tube that emerges from two prominent green bracts; borne in pendulous racemes. A vigorous vine with dense rough foliage.
Krishna’s Light in the Physical Mind
The physical mind looses all rigidity and becomes supple and charming.
Ruellia lorentziana [Ruellia ciliatiflora]
Medium-sized pale lavender salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, a violet throat and a limb divided into five somewhat crinkled lobes; borne in few-flowered axillary cymes or terminal panicles. A perennial herb with long pendant flexuous branches.
Photo Courtesy: Sriaurobindoashram
Mind of Light acting in Matter
A powerful aid to progress.
Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Small golden yellow to orange or reddish orange papilionaceous flower with long exserted stamens; borne on short lateral racemes on old wood. A medium-sized evergreen tree with dark green foliage.
Photo Courtesy: Jen64
Quiet Mind
The best way to learn.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Winged Photography
Quietness Established in the Mind
The essential condition for its transformation.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with elongated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Perfect Quietness in the Mind
Essential condition for true progress.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant double white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Hovic
Perfect Working of the Mind
Can happen when the mind is determined exclusively to fulfill its role.
Trachymene coerulea
Blue lace flower
Tiny blue or light lavender blue flowers with unequal petals; borne in small dense umbels. An annual herb with hairy leaves divided into linear segments.
Photo Courtesy: Paul R. Weaver
Promise of Realisation in the Mind
The mind must be silent to allow the Supramental consciousness to take its place.
Tropaeolum majus
Nasturtium, Indian cress
Medium-sized mildly fragrant yellow flowers with two upper and three lower contrasting petals and a prominent spur; borne singly on long stems. A somewhat succulent annual herb with orbicular peltate edible leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Robinrkc
Promise of Realisation in the Physical Mind
A good encouragement for the necessary effort.
Tropaeolum majus
Nasturtium, Indian cress
Medium-sized mildly fragrant light yellow flower with a red centre with two upper and three lower contrasting petals and a prominent spur; borne singly on long stems. A somewhat succulent annual herb with orbicular peltate edible leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Marj.Jolly
Response of the Mind to the Supramental Light
Represents an important step towards realisation.
Asclepias curassavica
Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Tiny flowers with five yellow petals that curve back towards the stalk and a prominent central golden crown; borne in terminal cymes. A perennial herb with milky sap.
Photo Courtesy: Stan Shebs
Response of the Physical Mind to the Supramental Light
The physical mind eager to understand and be transformed.
Asclepias curassavica
Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Tiny flowers with five orange red petals that curve back towards the stalk and a prominent central orange crown; borne in terminal cymes. A perennial herb with milky sap.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Solace in the Mind
A silent peace.
Mirabilis jalapa
Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Small fragrant yellow salverform flowers with a long corolla tube and the limb divided into five rounded lobes that open towards evening. A perennial herb with large deep tuberous roots.
Photo Courtesy: Nemo's great uncle
Voice of the Higher Mind
In quest of Truth.
Anemopaegma carrerense
Medium-sized salverform flower with a wide flattened yellow corolla tube and a small five- lobed cream white limb; usually borne in pairs on axillary stems. A vigorous vine with glossy wavy bi- or trifoliate leaves.
Picture Courtesy:
Wealth in the Mind of Light
Open to all higher ideas.
Water lily
Large showy usually very fragrant blue flowers with golden centre and with numerous narrow pointed or rounded petals, many prominent erect stamens and four petal- like sepals; borne singly on long stems, either floating or held above the water. An aquatic rhizomatous herb with large floating peltate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: komehachi888
Wisdom in the Physical Mind
A first step towards the Supramental manifestation upon earth.
Calliandra haematocephala
Red powderpuff
Medium-sized powderpuff head composed of red stamens; borne from the leaf axils. A tall spreading shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Palestrina55
Working of the Enlightened Mind
It is very powerful in leading the being to the Divine and can be very useful for progress.
Crataeva Adansonii [Crataeva Nurvala; Crataeva Religiosa]
Caper tree
Medium-sized fragrant flowers, opening white and turning cream with age, composed of numerous long stamens surrounded on one side by four oval petals; clustered in short racemes along the leafless branches. A small to medium-sized deciduous tree.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
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