Supramental Influence in the Sex Centre
It is the assurance of the coming conquest of desires.
Medium-sized single compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre, in shades of rose, pink and purple; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.

Tranquility of the Sex Centre when it is under the Influence of the Supramental Light
The Supramental influence liberates man from all that binds him to the animal.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
The Supramental influence liberates man from all that binds him to the animal.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
Supramental Light in the Sex Centre
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Cosmos sulphurous
Medium-sized single yellow compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
Peace in the Sex Centre
Indispensable for beginning the Yoga.
Morinda Citrifolia
Indian mulberry, Awl tree, Painkiller
Small highly fragrant white salverform flower with five fleshy recurved lobes that create a starlike appearance; borne in terminal or axillary heads from a hard rounded base. A small tree.
Sex centre Aspiring to be Purified
The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large pink spathe and a prominent thick erect pink and white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Purified Sex-Centre
Is transformed into a force for progress.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large white spathe and a prominent thick erect white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Cliff1066
The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large pink spathe and a prominent thick erect pink and white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Purified Sex-Centre
Is transformed into a force for progress.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large white spathe and a prominent thick erect white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.

Mastery of Sex
Instead of being dominated by sexual impulses, one must put them under the control of the highest will.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large red spathe and a prominent thick erect red spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Picture Courtesy: Tim waters
Instead of being dominated by sexual impulses, one must put them under the control of the highest will.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large red spathe and a prominent thick erect red spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.

Transformed Sex Centre
No longer has desires and offers itself to the Divine.
Angel wings, Elephant's-ear, Mother-in-law plant
Medium-sized mildly fragrant flower consisting of an erect white spadix partly enfolded by a hooded greenish white spathe; borne singly on a slender stalk. A tuberous perennial herb with large colourful patterned leaves.
No longer has desires and offers itself to the Divine.
Angel wings, Elephant's-ear, Mother-in-law plant
Medium-sized mildly fragrant flower consisting of an erect white spadix partly enfolded by a hooded greenish white spathe; borne singly on a slender stalk. A tuberous perennial herb with large colourful patterned leaves.