• Vanity

• Joy of Vegetal Nature in Answer to the New Light
Vegetal Goodwill towards the Supramental Forces

• Victory
• Victory in the Vital
• Joy of Victory
• Certitude of Victory
• Victorious Beauty
• Victorious Endurance
• Victorious Love

• Vigilance
• Perfect Vigilance

• The Vital’s Possibility of Perfection
• Vital Opening
• Vital Consecration
• Aspiration for Vital Purity
• Vital Purity
• Vital Aspiration for the Union with the Divine
• Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
• Vital Attachment to the Divine
• Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
• Attempt at Vital Goodwill
• Broadening of the Most Material Vital
• Candid Simplicity in the Vital
• Aspiration for Conquest of Enemies in the Vital
• Will to Conquer the Vital Enemies
• Conquest over the Vital Enemies
• Vital Immortality
• Conscious Vital Immortality
• Consent of the Vital
• Enthusiastic Vital Consent
• Conversion of the Vital
• Correct Movements in the Vital
• Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital
• Distinction of the Vital
• Endurance of the Higher Vital
• Vital Endurance
• Enthusiasm in Higher Vital
• Cheerful Enthusiasm in the Higher Vital
• Vital Enthusiasm
• Cheerful Vital Enthusiasm
• Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital
• Cheerful Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital
• First Turning of the Vital towards the Divine
• Formative Faculty in the Vital
• Generosity in the Vital
• Perfect generosity in the vital
• Harmony in the Material Vital
• Harmony in the Vital
• Renunciation of Vital Desires
• Integral Renunciation of Vital desires
• Intimacy with the Divine in the Vital
• Krishna’s Light in the Vital
• Krishna’s Play in the Vital
• Liberation in the Vital
• Life Energy in the Vital
• Light in the vital
• Light in the vital movements
• Offering of the Vital
• Integral Offering of the Vital
• Offering of the Material Vital
• Offering of the Most Material Vital
• Opening of the Higher Vital to the Light
• Opening of the Material Vital to the Light
• Opening of the Vital to the Divine Love
• Organisation in the Vital
• Peace in the Vital
• Power in the Higher Vital
• Power of vital Expression
• Quite Strength in the Vital
• Radha’s Consciousness in the vital
• Radiating Vital Purity
• Seeking the Light in the Lower Vital
• Silence in the Vital
• Sincerity in the Vital
• Skill in Vital Work
• Solace in the Vital
• Spiritual Ascension in the Vital
• Spiritual Awakening of the Vital
• Stability in the Vital
• Stability in the Higher Vital
• Vital Contentment
• Steadfast Vitality
• Strength in the Vital
• Success in the Most Material Vital
• Supramentalised Vital Transparency
• Transparency of the Emotional Vital
• Vital transparency
• True Action in the Material Vital
• Trust in the Vital Mind for the Divine
• Trust of the Emotional Vital in the Divine
• Vital Trust in the Divine
• Victory in the Vital
• Vital Aspiration for Immortality
• Spiritual Aspiration in the Vital
• Vital Boldness
• Vital Centre
• Vital Consenting to be Spiritualised
• Vital Continuity
• Fearlessness in the Vital
• Vital courage
• Vital fantasy
• Vital gentleness
• The Vital governed by the presence
• Vital Honesty
• Vital Impulses
• Vital Joy in matter
• Vital Patience
• Vital Plenitude
• Vital Prayer
• Vital pride
• Vital Progress
• Integral Progress in the Vital
• Vital Promise
• Vital Protection
• Vital receptivity
• Vital sensitivity
• Vital Tapasya
• Vital Thoroughness
• Vital Will Manifested in Life
• Wealth in the Vital
• Wealth in the Most material Vital
• Illumined Strength in the Vital
• Opening of the Emotional Vital
• Vital Opening to the Supramental Light

• Perpetual Vitality

• Steadfast Vitality

• Mental Voice
• Voice of the Higher Mind