• Integral Wealth of Mahalakshmi

• Mahasaraswati’s Perfection in Works

• Avatar-The Supreme manifested in a Body upon Earth
• Awakening and First Response of Nature to the Supramental Manifestation
• Radiation of the Manifestation
• Supramental Manifestation
• Will Manifested in Life
• Vital Will Manifested in Life
Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine

• Manifold Endurance
• Manifold Generosity
• Manifold power of the New Creation (Manifold power of Auroville)
• Manifold Protection
• Manifold Receptivity
• Power of Manifold Expression

• Scented Marvel

• Mastery
• Mastery of Sex

• Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
• Beginning of Realisation in Matter
• The Psychic Governs Matter
• Matter Prepares Itself to Receive the Supramental
• Blessings on the Material World
• Broadening of the Most Material Vital
• Constant Progress in Matter
• Integral Progress in Matter
• First Appearance of the Psychic in Matter
• First Mental Awakening in Matter
• First Sign of Krishna’s Light in Matter
• Harmony in the Material Vital
• Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital
• Cheerful Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital
• Krishna’s Play in Matter
• Material Abundance
• Success in the Most Material Vital
• Material Continuity
• Material Organisation
• Material Power to Heal
• Matter Aspiring for the Supramental Guidance
• Matter under the Supramental Guidance
• Matter Consenting to Be Spiritualised
• Mind of Light Acting in Matter
• Offering of the Material Vital
• Offering of the Most Material Vital
• Opening of the Material Vital to the Light
• Life energy in the material
• Organised Material Energy
• Promise of Realisation in Matter
• Psychic Awakening in Matter
• Psychic Light in the Material Movements
• Psychological Perfection in Matter
• Skill in Material Work
• Solid Steadfastness in the Material Consciousness
• Splendour and Opulence in the Material Life
• True Action in the Material Vital
• Vital Joy in matter
• Wealth in the Most material Vital
• Material Enterprises

• Mind
• Purified Mind
• Supramentalised Mind
• Birth of True Mental Sincerity
• First Mental Awakening in Matter
• Mental Purity
• Integral Mental Purity
• Perfect Mental Purity
• Mental Aspiration
• Mental Attachment to the Divine
• Mental Balance
• Perfect Mental Balance
• Mental Boldness
• Mental Chastity
• Mental Cheerfulness
• Mental Curiosity
• Mental Endurance
• Mental Fantasy
• Mental Goodwill
• Mental Gratitude
• Mental Honesty
• Mental Love for the Divine
• Mental Love under the Psychic Influence
• Mental Surrender
• Mental Opening
• Mental Plasticity
• Energy of a Plastic Mind
• Mental Prayer
• Mental pride
• Mental Promise
• Mental Receptivity
• Mental Simplicity
• Mental Sincerity
• Mental Spirit of Imitation
• Mental Suggestions of Organization
• Mental Tapasya
• Mental Trust in the Divine
• Trust in the Vital Mind for the Divine
• Mental Voice
• Mentalised Power
• Power in the Converted Mind
• Power of Mental Expression
• Skill in Mental Work
• Supramentalised Mental Dignity
• Aspiration for Silence in the Mind
• Aspiration for Silence in the physical Mind
• Aspiration of the Mind for the Supramental Guidance
• Attentive Mind
• Awakening in the mind
• Awakening of the Physical Mind
• Clear Mind
• Conversion of the Higher Mind
• Conversion of the Mind
• Conversion of the Physical Mind
• Fire in the Mind
• Formative Faculty in the Mind
• Higher Mind
• Physical Mind
• Honesty in the Physical Mind
• Illumined Mind Centre
• Intuitive Mind Centre
• Kind Mind
• Krishna’s Light in the Mind
• Krishna’s Light in the Physical Mind
• Mind of Light acting in Matter
• Quiet Mind
• Quietness Established in the Mind
• Perfect Quietness in the Mind
• Perfect Working of the Mind
• Promise of Realisation in the Mind
• Promise of Realisation in the Physical Mind
• Response of the Mind to the Supramental Light
• Response of the Physical Mind to the Supramental Light
• Solace in the Mind
• Voice of the Higher Mind
• Wealth in the Mind of Light
• Wisdom in the Physical Mind
• Working of the Enlightened Mind

• Miracle (Air of Auroville)

• Modesty
• Modesty of Beauty

• Greed for Money

Turning of wrong movements into right movements
• Correct Movements
• Correct Movements in the Vital
• Exclusive Turning of All movements towards the Divine
• First Movement of Riches Towards the Divine
• Movements in the Light
• Light in the vital movements
• Psychic Light in the Material Movements
• Psychic Light in the Physical Movements

• Multitude