• Delicacy

• Descent of the Light

• Renunciation of Desires
• Renunciation of Emotional Desires
• Renunciation of Vital Desires
• Integral Renunciation of the Vital Desires
• Absence of Desire

• Detachment from all that is not the Divine

• Detailed Attachment to the Divine
• Detailed Endurance
• Detailed Gratitude
• Knowledge of Details
• Detailed Obedience
• Detailed Perseverance
• Detailed Plasticity
• Detailed Surrender
• Specialised Detailed Energy
• Organisation of Details

• Determination

• Devotion
• Devotional Attitude

• Dignity
• Psychic Dignity
• Supramentalised Mental Dignity
• Dignity of the Emotions
• Dignity in the Physical

• Discipline

• Disinterested Work Done for the Divine
• Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital

• Distinction
• Distinction of the Vital

• Aditi-the Divine Consciousness
• Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
• Trust in the Divine
• Aspiration for Trust in the Divine
• Mental Trust in the Divine
• Trust in the Vital Mind for the Divine
• Trust of the Emotional Vital in the Divine
• Vital Trust in the Divine
• Integral Trust in the Divine
• Vital Aspiration for the Union with the Divine
• Attachment to the Divine
• Beauty of Attachment to the Divine
• Mental Attachment to the Divine
• Emotional Attachment to the Divine
• Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
• Detailed Attachment to the Divine
• Vital Attachment to the Divine
• Integral Attachment to the Divine
• Attachment of the Cells to the Divine
• Exclusive Turning of All movements towards the Divine
• Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
• Beauty of Tomorrow Manifesting the Divine
• Call of the Divine Grace
• Cheerfulness in Work for the Divine
• Disinterested Work Done for the Divine
• Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital
• Power Aspiring to become an Instrument for the Divine Work
• Collective Emotions Open to the Divine
• Consciousness One with the Divine Consciousness
• Constant remembrance of the Divine
• Contemplation of the Divine
• Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
• Detachment from all that is not the Divine
• Divine Ananda
• Divine Love
• Divine Sacrifice
• Divine Love Spreading Over the World
• Unmanifest Divine Love
• The Divine Grace
• Divine Help
• Divine Solicitude
• Divine Solicitude Rightly Understood
• Divine Knowledge
• Divine Love Governing the World
• Divine Presence
• Divine Purity
• Divine Smile
• Emotions Awake to the First Contact with the Divine
• Energy Turned towards the Divine
• First Movement of Riches Towards the Divine
• First Response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force
• First Turning of the Vital towards the Divine
• Friendship with the Divine
• Progressive Friendship with the Divine
• Supramental Friendship with the Divine
• Humility before the Divine in Physical Nature
• Intimacy with the Divine
• Intimacy with the Divine in the Psychic
• Intimacy with the Divine in the Vital
• Intimacy with the Divine in the Physical
• Integral Intimacy with the Divine
• Integral Opening of the Being Towards the Divine
• Joy of Union with the Divine
• Love for the Divine
• Integral Love for the Divine
• Flaming Love for the Divine
• Humility in the Love for the Divine
• Mental Love for the Divine
• Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine
• Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
• Love from the Divine
• Affection for the Divine
• Beauty Offers itself in Service to the Divine
• Tenderness for the Divine
• Timidity in Attachment to the Divine
• Supramental Attachment for the Divine
• Communion with the Divine
• Opening of the Physical to the Divine Love
• Love in the Physical for the Divine
• Opening of the Vital to the Divine Love
• Physical Consciousness Entirely Turned Towards the Divine
• Road to the Divine
• Seeking for Support only in the Divine
• Spontaneous Aspiration of Nature towards the Divine
• Sweetness of Power Surrendered to the Divine (Sweetness of Auroville)• • Sweetness of Thought Turned Exclusively towards the Divine
• Thoughts Turned towards the Divine
• To Live Only For the Divine
• Will in Course of Uniting itself with the Divine Will
• Will one with the Divine Will
• Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
• Divine Will Acting in the Inconscient
• Divine Will Acting in the Subconscient

• Dreams

• Purified Dynamic Life Energy
• Dynamic Power