The first victory is to create an individuality. And then later, the second victory is to give this individuality to the Divine. And the third victory is that the Divine changes your individuality into a divine being. There are three stages: the first is to become an individual; the second is to consecrate the individual so that he may surrender entirely to the Divine and be identified with Him; and the third is that the Divine takes possession of this individual and changes him into a being in His own image; that is, he too becomes divine.
You must make grow in you the peace that is born of the certitude of victory.
No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain.
Will triumph over all obstacles.
Allamanda cathartica
Common allamanda, Golden trumpet
Large mildly fragrant bright yellow salverform flower with a narrow abruptly expanding corolla tube, a broad limb with five rounded lobes and a throat finely striped with golden brown; borne in few-flowered terminal cymes. A vigorous scandent shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Jen
Victory in the Vital
In the vital even a little victory has great consequences.
Allamanda blanchetti
Purple allamanda
Medium-sized soft pinkish purple funnelform flower with five wavy overlapping lobes; slightly fragrant; borne in few-flowered terminal cymes. A scandent shrub.
Photo Courtesy: artchemist2007
Joy of Victory
It resembles victory without having its power.
Anemopaegma chamberlaynii
Yellow trumpet vine
Large bright golden yellow trumpet-shaped salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube and the limb divided into five rounded lobes; mildly fragrant and borne in axillary racemes. A vigorous climber with stiff glabrous leaves.
Photo Courtesy & Copyright:
Certitude of Victory
It is not noisy, but it is sure.
Catesbaea spinosa
Lily thorn, Spanish guava
Medium-sized greenish yellow pendulous funnel shaped flower with a long narrow corolla tube and the limb split into four waxy pointed lobes; borne singly. A spiny shrub with small glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Victorious Beauty
When it has removed the ugliness of life.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Grace Goo'
Malvaceae Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of- China
Large single flower with crinkled petals in golden ochre to mustard with a very deep red or vermilion centre and a silver grey or pale lavender aura.
Photo Courtesy: Chrissy Olson
Victorious Endurance
It will endure till the end of the battle.
Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Large, usually double compositae orange flowers with firm spatulate ray florets; borne singly on sturdy stems. A long- blooming garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Variationen
Victorious Love
Sure of itself, fearless, generous and smiling.
Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Large double glowing pink flower with soft delicate petals; flowers open pink and stay pink.
Photo Courtesy: Guppystorm
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