The Divine is that from which all comes, in which all lives, and to return to the truth of the Divine now clouded over by Ignorance is the soul's aim in life. In its supreme Truth, the Divine is absolute and infinite peace, consciousness, existence, power and Ananda.
The Divine has three aspects for us:
- It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe - although it is now a manifestation in the Ignorance.
- It is the Spirit and Master of our own being within us whom we have to serve and learn to express his will in all our movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light.
- The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life.
Aditi-the Divine Consciousness
Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.
Nelumbo nucifera 'Alba'
Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Very large fragrant chalice-shaped white flower with several rows of loosely arranged cupped translucent petals surrounding a unique centre of numerous golden stamens that encircle a raised yellow disc; borne singly on sturdy stems high above the water. A vigorous aquatic rhizomatous plant with large, concave orbicular leaves that repel water.

Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
Blossom, 0 precious flower, and never close again.
Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Small clusters of tiny brushlike flowers that open pale mauve and become white with age. A vigorous climber that may form a dense curtain; the pendulous stems are white when young.

Trust in the Divine
Most indispensable for the impulsive vital.
Asystasia gangetica
Small funnelform flowers in several colours with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.

Aspiration for Trust in the Divine
An intense need for that immutable peace given by the certitude of the Divine Grace.
Asystasia dalzelliana
Small pale purple funnelform flower with five lobes edged pale purple, the lower lobe marked deep purple and the throat finely lined and irregularly spotted white; borne in few-flowered racemes. A subshrub with ovate leaves.

Mental Trust in the Divine
Firm and definitive it does not question.
Asystasia gangetica
Small cream yellow funnelform flowers with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.

Trust in the Vital Mind for the Divine
Opens itself to the Divine Consciousness, without trying to hide anything from It.
Asystasia gangetica
Small, Pale yellow funnelform flower with a light lavender spot on the throat; with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.
Picture not available.
Trust of the Emotional Vital in the Divine
Smiling and sweet, it is sheltered from grief.
Asystasia gangetica
Small, White funnelform flower with a lavender spot on the throat; with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.

Full of courage and energy, it no longer fears anything.
Asystasia gangetica
Small predominantly lavender shaded funnelform flowers with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.

Integral Trust in the Divine
The trust that gives the true support to life.
Asystasia gangetica
Small white funnelform flowers with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.

Vital Aspiration for the Union with the Divine
It raises straight up in an intense and concentrated movement.
Knotweed, Smartweed
Very tiny light pink bell-shaped flowers that bloom sparsely but are accompanied by many minute round buds on slender racemes. A tall narrow aquatic plant with sparse foliage of long drooping lanceolate leaves.

Attachment to the Divine
(No Comment)
Belamcanda chinensis
Blackberry lily, Leopard lily
Small deep orange flower with six narrow widely separated petals covered with bright red spots; borne in loose corymbs on long narrow stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb with broad swordlike leaves.

Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him. Offers itself spontaneously to the Divine.
Considered to be the largest family of flowering plants and the most highly evolved, orchids are found in every colour of the spectrum and encompass an extraordinary range of size and form. They are usually epiphytic in tropical regions where they are the most numerous, and terrestrial in temperate and arctic regions.

Wraps itself around the Divine and finds all its support in Him so as to be sure of never leaving Him.
All species in many colours except white and lavender pink. Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Beauty of Attachment to the Divine
When the physical world manifests the splendour of the Divine, all will become marvellous.
Lavender pink flower with a lime green throat marked with magenta.Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Mental Attachment to the Divine
Beautiful in form and in expression.
Dendrobium moschatum
Medium-sized fragrant pale golden orange flower with one erect and two lower sepals, two wider horizontal petals and a prominent fuzzy, pouchlike lip with two maroon spots near the base; borne in pendulous racemes. A showy epiphyte.

Emotional Attachment to the Divine
Cups of flowery feeling offered to the Divine
Papilionanthe teres [Vanda teres]
Medium-sized flower with five ovate widely separated pale pinkish lavender petals and a central arched golden yellow lip with the lower edge extended to form two rounded pinkish lavender lobes; borne in erect racemes. An erect epiphyte with terete leaves.

Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
An artistic and graceful attachment, perhaps a little fanciful.
Vanda coerulea
Blue orchid
Medium-sized light lavender-blue flower with a small violet lip and five obovate widely separated petals; borne in racemes on erect scapes. An epiphyte with straplike leaves.

Detailed Attachment to the Divine
Manifold, scrupulous, neglecting nothing, always ready to make an effort, meticulous.
Vanda tessellata
Medium-sized fragrant flower with five stiff separated olive green petals with crinkled edges and marked with greenish yellow, and a prominent lavender lip; widely spaced on erect racemes. A heat-loving epiphyte with narrow straplike leaves.

Vital Attachment to the Divine
Manifold and abundant in its multiplicity.
Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small pale to deep lavender pink flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.

Integral Attachment to the Divine
On the right way towards realisation
Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small white flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.

Attachment of the Cells to the Divine
They know how to expect everything from Him and to rely only on Him.
Epidendrum X obrienianum
Scarlet orchid, Butterfly orchid, Baby orchid
Numerous small deep red star-shaped flowers that have a prominent uniquely shaped fringed lip with a golden yellow spot; borne in terminal clusters on long stems. A tall slender epiphytic orchid.

Exclusive Turning of All movements towards the Divine
The sure means of having security.
Long erect scapes of small light green flowers with five erect petals and petal-like sepals that resemble a fan and a prominent variegated green and white lip. A terrestrial orchid with a large oval pseudo-bulb.

Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
An attachment that insists on feeling the power of contact.
Eranthemum laxiflorum
Small reddish violet salverform flower with a thin tube that expands into five somewhat irregular and pointed lobes; borne in one- to three- flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A small prolific flowering shrub.

Beauty of Tomorrow Manifesting the Divine
A beauty that exists only by and for the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Large single flowers in shades of orange, with a striking white centre and often with a pale pink aura.

Call of the Divine Grace
Not loud but persistent and very perceptible to those who know how to listen.
Operculina turpethum
Wooden rose
Light brown rattlelike seed capsules shaped like a wooden rose but thinner and more delicate than the true Wooden rose (Merremia tuberosa).

Cheerfulness in Work for the Divine
Work for the Divine and you will find an ineffable joy filling your being.
Coreopsis tinctoria
Small single or double compositae flower whose ray florets may be yellow, maroon red or bicoloured in yellow with brown or maroon red; borne in loose terminal panicles. A floriferous garden annual with very narrow leaves.

Disinterested Work Done for the Divine
The surest way to progress.
Crinum lily, Spider lily, Swamp lily
Large fragrant white salverform flower with six narrow or broad partly recurved lobes, a long narrow green tube and prominent reddish-purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A large bulbous plant with straplike leaves.

Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital
Calm and powerful, it reaches its goal.
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Very large white salverform flower with long tapering fleshy recurved petal-like lobes, whitish above and reddish purple beneath, and six long erect reddish purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A bulbous plant with straplike leaves.

Power Aspiring to become an Instrument for the Divine Work
Power, opening to a higher consciousness, awakens to the need of being at the service of the Divine.
Passiflora vitifolia
Passion flower
Large bright red flower with five separated pointed petals and five petal-like sepals, a central corona of red filaments that surround a cluster of white filaments and an elongated staminal column that ends in three red stigmas and five yellow green anthers; borne singly from the leaf axils. A moderately vigorous vine.

Collective Emotions Open to the Divine
Crowds responding to the impulsion coming from the Divine. An event that marks the great stages of terrestrial life.
Mansoa alliacea [Pseudocalymma alliaceum]
Bejuco de ajo, Garlic-vine
Medium-sized light purple trumpet-shaped flower with a white throat, five rounded lobes and a flattened corolla tube; the flowers are borne in dense clusters and have a distinct garlic odour. A moderately vigorous vine with attractive glossy garlic-scented leaves.

Consciousness One with the Divine Consciousness
Smiling and happy, it no longer knows any shadows.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large double flower with light pink petals shading to deeper pink towards the dark red centre and fading to cream at the outer edges.

Spontaneous and joyful. The ideal condition.
Lonicera japonica
Japanese honeysuckle, Gold and silver flower
Small sweetly fragrant ivory white tubular flower that gradually turns yellow and is divided into five narrow lobes, one deeply cut, erect and slightly recurved, and four opposite, more acutely recurved and partly joined; borne in axillary pairs subtended by a leafy bract. A moderately vigorous vine with opposite ovate slightly glossy dark green leaves.

Contemplation of the Divine
Occupied exclusively with its joyful contemplation.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Mildly fragrant single salverform flower with five separated petals that are light pink with white on one edge and with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.

Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
Instead of seeking one’s own satisfaction, to have service of the Divine as the aim of life.
Clivia miniata
Kaffir lily
Medium-sized bright orange funnelform flowers with the limb divided into six lobes, a yellow or apricot throat and exserted stamens; borne in many-flowered umbels on erect scapes. A perennial bulb with straplike leaves.
Detachment from all that is not the Divine
A single occupation, a single aim, a single joy-the Divine.
Ipomoea cairica
Railway creeper
Medium-sized light rose purple or light mauve funnelform flower with a deep rose purple centre; blooms singly. An extremely vigorous and hardy perennial vine with palmate leaves.

Divine Ananda
Abundant, succulent, nourishing, full of vigour.
Vitis vinifera
Common grape vine, Wine grape, European grape
Large compact clusters of small round succulent fruits in shades of yellow, green, purple and red. A woody deciduous vine with ornamental deeply lobed leaves.

Divine Love
A flower reputed to bloom even in the desert.
Punica granatum
Medium-sized double orange red flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.

Divine Sacrifice
For the Divine it is not a supreme sacrifice to renounce the beatitude of His unity in order to create the painful multiplicity of the world?
Punica granatum
Small single brilliant orange flower with six rounded crinkled petals and a centre composed of numerous cream yellow anthers, held in a thick waxy orange six-pointed calyx that covers the base of the flower. A shrub or small tree.
Divine Love Spreading Over the World
Innumerable, succulent, it gives strength and life untiringly.
Punica granatum
Medium to large nearly round thick-skinned fruit that is yellow tinged with red when ripe and contains many seeds enclosed in a juicy reddish edible pulp; A shrub or small tree.
Unmanifest Divine Love
The splendour of that marvellous love which the Divine keeps for the pure heart.
Punica granatum
Medium-sized double white flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.

The Divine Grace
Thy goodness is infinite, we bow before Thee in gratitude.
Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Large double flower with soft delicate petals that open pure white and gradually turn pink during the day.

Divine Help
Modest in appearance, powerful in action.
Malvaviscus arboreus [Malvaviscus drummondii]
Wax mallow
Small bright red erect candlelike flower with five twisted overlapping petals and a long exserted staminal column; borne in few-flowered terminal clusters. A low evergreen shrub.

Divine Solicitude
Always active, even when we do not perceive it.
Malvaviscus arboreus
Turk's cap,
Medium-sized red tubular flower with twisted overlapping petals that never unfold and anthers that protrude beyond the petals. A medium-sized shrub of irregular form.

Divine Solicitude Rightly Understood
Let us understand and receive with gratitude this Divine Solicitude, so often misunderstood.
Malvaviscus arboreus
Turk's cap,
Medium-sized pale pink tubular flower with twisted overlapping petals that never unfold and anthers that protrude beyond the petals. A medium-sized shrub of irregular form.

Divine Knowledge
It is succulent, nourishing, strengthening.
Mangifera indica
Medium to large succulent edible fruit of the mango tree, generally oval in shape; borne in clusters on pendulous stalks.

Divine Love Governing the World
A beautiful and happy world for which we all aspire.
Brownea coccinea
Scarlet flame bean
Large striking dense rounded clusters of numerous brilliant orange red cup-shaped flowers with exserted stamens. A small to medium-sized tree with soft pendulous translucent new leaves.

Divine Presence
It hides from the ignorant eye its ever-present magnificence!
Rhoeo spathacea
Oyster plant, Boat lily, Cradle lily, Moses in his cradle
Tiny white flower that barely protrudes from the centre of two reddish purple overlapping boat-shaped bracts set among the leaves. A succulent perennial herb with swordlike leaves, green above and purplish beneath.

Photo Courtesy: Pellaea
Divine Purity
It is happy just to be, in all simplicity.
Hippobroma longiflora [Isotoma longiflora, Laurentia longiflora]
Medium-sized pure white star-shaped salverform flower with a long slender corolla tube. A low perennial herb with poisonous milky sap and sharply dentate leaves.

Divine Smile
We can contemplate the smiles of the Divine when we have conquered our ego.
Michelia alba
Champaca, Fragrant champaca
Medium-sized ivory white flower with long slender pointed petals and a strong fruity fragrance; borne singly among the leaves. A small to medium-sized evergreen tree.
We can contemplate the smiles of the Divine when we have conquered our ego.
Michelia alba
Champaca, Fragrant champaca
Medium-sized ivory white flower with long slender pointed petals and a strong fruity fragrance; borne singly among the leaves. A small to medium-sized evergreen tree.

Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Emotions Awake to the First Contact with the Divine
The Light begins to work in the emotional consciousness.
Acanthus montanus
Mountain thistle
Small light purple to purple tubular flowers tinged white with the lower edge divided into three lobes, set in a spiny calyx and borne in tall spikes. A small shrub with spiny leaves.

Energy Turned towards the Divine
The power of realisation offers itself in service to the Divine.
Lawsonia inermis
Mignonette tree, Henna
Intensely fragrant tiny cream yellow or red flowers with four pairs of slightly exserted stamens; borne in dense terminal panicles. A large shrub to small tree.

First Movement of Riches Towards the Divine
The sure sign of conversion.
Tithonia diversifolia
Mexican sunflower
Large slightly fragrant compositae flower with long narrow deep golden yellow ray florets; borne singly on long stalks. A robust perennial or tall subshrub.

First Response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force
The first step towards transformation.
Kigelia africana [Kigelia pinnata]
Sausage tree
Large fleshy dull maroon irregularly funnelform flower with crinkled recurved lobes; borne in large racemes on very long pendulous stalks. A medium-sized spreading tree that bears curious sausagelike fruits.
First Turning of the Vital towards the Divine
The vital prepares itself to be transformed.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Gloriosa Daisy'
Black-eyed Susan, Marguerite jaune
Medium to large single compositae flower with elongated yellow ray florets that are often banded or suffused with brown or maroon near the base and a dome-shaped centre composed of green or brown disc florets; borne singly. A hairy perennial herb.

Friendship with the Divine
Delicate, attentive and faithful, always ready to respond to the smallest appeal.
Canna indica
Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Small glowing red flower with slender erect irregularly shaped petals and a recurved lip streaked yellow; borne in terminal racemes on long stems. An erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage

Progressive Friendship with the Divine
As we progress and purify ourselves of our egoism, our friendship with the Divine becomes clearer and more conscious.
Canna indica
Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Small to medium-sized bright reddish orange flower with slender petals slightly wider than those of Friendship with the Divine, and yellow streaks on two petals. Leaves are edged and veined with purple. An erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.

Supramental Friendship with the Divine
Luminous and light, always smiling.
Canna indica
Indian-shot, Queensland, Arrowroot, Achira
Small glowing Bright yellow flower with slender erect irregularly shaped petals; borne in terminal racemes on long stems. An erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.

Humility before the Divine in Physical Nature
First attitude needed for transformation.
Tarenna asiatica
Tiny intensely fragrant cream coloured flowers with five twisted recurved petals and a prominent style; borne in terminal panicles. A hardy medium to large evergreen shrub with glossy leaves.

Intimacy with the Divine
Complete surrender to the Divine and total receptivity to His influence are the conditions for this intimacy.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant flower, in a variety of colours, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Intimacy with the Divine in the Psychic
The natural state of the fully developed Psychic.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant lavender pink flower, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Intimacy with the Divine in the Vital
Only a pure calm and desire less vital can hope to enter this marvelous state.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant light purple flower, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Intimacy with the Divine in the Physical
Is possible only for him who lives exclusively by the Divine and for the Divine.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant pinkish red flower, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Integral Intimacy with the Divine
The whole being vibrates only to the Divine touch.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant white flower, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.

Integral Opening of the Being Towards the Divine
The first step of the ascent.
Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small salverform white flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike; in many colours.

Joy of Union with the Divine
Lavishly scented, it fills the heart with joy.
Ocimum basilicum
Common basil, Sweet basil
Tiny white bilabiate flowers with a green calyx, stem and leaves; the leaves are especially prized for culinary use. A shrubby annual or perennial culinary herb with aromatic leaves.

Love for the Divine
The vegetal kingdom gathers together its most beautiful possibilities to offer them to the Divine.
All forms and sizes of roses, single and double, usually fragrant, in a great variety of colours; includes both shrubs and climbers.

Integral Love for the Divine
Pure, complete and irrevocable, it is a love that gives itself for ever.
Medium to large solitary pure white flower. A large shrub.

Flaming Love for the Divine
Ready for all heroism and all sacrifices.
Small to medium-sized solitary orange flower. A large shrub.

Humility in the Love for the Divine
Delicate, effective and surrendered, but very persistent in its feelings.
Rose Medium-sized lavender or mauve flower.
Mental Love for the Divine
The nature offers its love in a fragrant blossoming.
Medium to large yellow flower. A medium to large shrub.

Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine
May they become a real fact, and their abundance will save the world.
Medium to large red flower. A large shrub.

Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.
All medium-sized bicoloured flowers. A large shrub.
Love from the Divine
A vibration of love that the Supreme directs upon a particular point (a person or thing).
Very large white flower tinged with pink and yellow. A shrub.
Picture not available.
Affection for the Divine
A sweet and trusting tenderness that gives itself unfailingly to the Divine.
Small white flower tinged with pink. A small to medium-sized shrub.

Beauty Offers itself in Service to the Divine
Incomparable splendour, it becomes a modest servitor.
Rosa ‘Confidence’
Medium to large salmon coloured flower. A large shrub.

Tenderness for the Divine
Sweetness, a charming hue, a delicate form, a smile that gladdens.
Rosa chinensis
China rose, Bengal rose
Small single very light pink flower that fades to white; borne in clusters of two or three. A small to medium-sized shrub.
Timidity in Attachment to the Divine
Full of life, but not knowing how to change this life into an offering to the Divine.
Further comment: Timidity in attachment: I want to say that the attachment is not complete and unreserved; there are some parts of the being that question and hold back because they do not have total trust; one might say that it is a conditional attachment, such as: "If the Divine does what I want, I will remain attached to Him."
Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora'
Green rose
Small double green flower. A small shrub.

Photo Courtesy: JerryG
Supramental Attachment for the Divine
Manifold and smiling, repeating itself endlessly.
Rosa ‘Father’s Day’
Small double light orange flower borne in small clusters on short stems. A small shrub.

Communion with the Divine
For one who truly has it, all circumstances becomes an occasion for it.
Rosa X rehderana
Polyantha rose
Single or double flowers in white and shades of pink or red; borne on long stems in large erect clusters. A large shrub.

Opening of the Physical to the Divine Love
The surest way to find happiness.
Ipomoea hederifolia
Small orange red salverform flower borne in few- to many-flowered cymes. A light annual vine with lobed leaves.
Love in the Physical for the Divine
Modest in appearance, but tenacious and charming; it does not make a fuss, but is very faithful.
Ipomoea quamoclit
Cypress vine, Star-glory, Indian pink, Cardinal climber
Small intense red starlike salverform flower with a long narrow tube and conspicuous white anthers; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A soft light climber with threadlike leaves.

Opening of the Vital to the Divine Love
Little by little it is no longer the ego that governs, but the Divine.
Euphorbia cyathophora
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Terminal clusters of tiny inconspicuous flowers with yellow stamens surrounded by striking ovate to fiddle-shaped leaves and bracts that are bright red orange at the base. A gregarious annual herb.

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower
Large showy ovate-lanceolate floral bracts which vary from red through pink to white surrounding clusters of small round green flowers with red tops and golden yellow protuberances in the centres. A well-known striking winter-flowering shrub with milky latex.

Physical Consciousness Entirely Turned Towards the Divine
It thirsts for the Divine and wants nothing but Him.
Tithonia rotundifolia
Mexican sunflower
Medium-sized compositae flower with bright reddish orange ray florets and a tufted yellow centre; borne singly on a long stem. A robust erect bushy annual herb.

Road to the Divine
Always long, apparently dry at times, but always abundant in its results!
Drimiopsis kirkii
Tiny flower with three narrow white incurved sepals surrounding three pale green petals which remain closed in a ball-like shape hiding the stamens and pistil; borne on short spikes. A small bulbous succulent plant with heavily spotted leaves.

Seeking for Support only in the Divine
The Divine is the only support that never fails.
Solanum seaforthianum
St. Vincent lilac, Glycine, Italian jasmine
Delicate pendulous clusters of small light lavender star-shaped flowers with yellow anthers, accompanied by lavender buds. A slender long-flowering vine with deeply cut leaves and ornamental clusters of round shiny green berrylike fruits that turn orange to bright red when mature.

Spontaneous Aspiration of Nature towards the Divine
Wide open, spontaneous, irrevocable in its spontaneous power.
Leucanthemum vulgare [Chrysanthemum leucanthemum]
Ox-eye daisy, Moon daisy, Marguerite
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with a yellow centre, borne singly on a long stalk. A slender erect rhizomatous perennial.

Sweetness of Power Surrendered to the Divine (Sweetness of Auroville)
Sweetness itself becomes powerful when it is at the service of the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single light gold to apricot yellow flower with crinkled petals and a striking white to light pink pinwheel centre.

Sweetness of Thought Turned Exclusively towards the Divine
Pretty, joyful, sweet and calm, sheltered from all conflict!
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single salverform flower with five separated lobes that are pink fading to pale pink on the edges and twisted suggesting a pinwheel, and a light yellow centre with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.

Thoughts Turned towards the Divine
A certitude of beauty.
Viola X Wittrockiana
Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Medium to large soft velvety flower with five rounded irregularly overlapping petals, the lower three usually having darker patches suggesting a face; in white and shades of yellow, cream, orange, pink, reddish brown, purple and blue; borne singly. A low annual or short-lived perennial.

To Live Only For the Divine
This means to have overcome all the difficulties of the individual life.
Myrtus communis
Myrtle, Greek myrtle, Swedish myrtle
Small very fragrant pure white flower with four spreading rounded petals and a central tuft of delicate stamens; borne singly or in few-flowered cymes. An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves that have a spicy fragrance when bruised.

Will in Course of Uniting itself with the Divine Will
On the way to perfection.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized double cream white flower.

Will one with the Divine Will
The condition that triumphs over all obstacles.
Hibiscus syriacus
Rose of Sharon, Althaea, Shrub althaea
Medium-sized double white flower with soft petals.

Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.
Russelia equisetiformis
Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Small bright coral narrow tubular flowers with five tiny rounded lobes; borne in light cascading clusters. A small subshrub with rushlike angled, arching or pendulous stems.

Divine Will Acting in the Inconscient
Is all-powerful even when we are not aware of it.
Clerodendrum L. sp.
Small mildly fragrant white salverform flower with exserted white stamens, a thin corolla tube and five narrow lobes with up-curving edges; borne in axillary panicles. A small to medium- sized shrub with ovate irregularly serrate leaves.

Divine Will Acting in the Subconscient
The rare moments when the Divine asserts Himself visibly.
Clerodendrum indicum
Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; the striking curled buds elongate and unfurl; borne in clusters.
Clerodendrum indicum
Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; the striking curled buds elongate and unfurl; borne in clusters.

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