All action must be in [the integral Yoga] part of the God-life, our acts of knowledge, our acts of power and production and creation, our acts of joy and beauty and the soul's pleasure, our acts of will and endeavour and strength and not our acts only of love and beneficent service. Its way to do these things will be not outward and mental, but inward and spiritual, and to that end it will bring into all activities, whatever they are, the spirit of divine love, the spirit of adoration and worship, the spirit of happiness in the Divine and in the beauty of the Divine so as to make all life a sacrifice of the works of the soul's love to the Divine, its cult of the Master of its existence.
To act, to enjoy is the normal law and right of the nervous being; but to choose by the personal desire its action and enjoyment is only its ignorant will, not its right. Alone the supreme and universal Will must choose; action must change into a dynamic movement of that Will; enjoyment must be replaced by pure spiritual Ananda.
All actions are done with energy and ardour.
Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented all single bicoloured salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with viscid flowers, stems and leaves.
Cheerful Enthusiasm in Action
Action will become joyfully enthusiastic when it is governed by the Supermind.
Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented all double bicoloured salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with viscid flowers, stems and leaves.
Fearlessness in Action
Manifold, unfettered and fearless.
Amaranthus caudatus
Love-lies-bleeding, Velvet flower, Tassel flower
Long tapering pendulous catkins densely covered with minute stiff dull magenta flowers, the heavy catkins weighing down the stems. A coarse annual herb with magenta stems and green leaves tinged magenta.
First Response of the Subconscient to the Supramental Action
The open door to realisation.
Jatropha podagrica
Gout plant, Tartogo, Australian bottle plant
Tiny bright orange flowers with five rounded separated petals and an orange stalk; borne in compound cymes. A low shrub with swollen stems and large-lobed peltate leaves.
Heroic Action
Fights for the true and the beautiful without fear of obstacles or opposition.
Arrhostoxylum costatum (Ruellia elegans)
Small bright red salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, a limb divided into five rounded lobes and conspicuous white anthers; borne in few-flowered axillary cymes or terminal panicles. A perennial herb.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Mind of Light Acting in Matter
A powerful aid to progress.
Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Small golden yellow to orange or reddish orange papilionaceous flower with long exserted stamens; borne on short lateral racemes on old wood. A medium-sized evergreen tree with dark green foliage.
Organisation of Action in Life
Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Small golden yellow to orange or reddish orange papilionaceous flower with long exserted stamens; borne on short lateral racemes on old wood. A medium-sized evergreen tree with dark green foliage.
Organisation of Action in Life
Clustered, compact, its action is irresistible.
Combretum fruticosum
Burning bush
Large dense horizontal spikes of yellow to orange tubular flowers whose numerous long stamens create a soft brushlike appearance. A scandent shrub.
Power of Action
The power resulting from true surrender to the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single bright cardinal red flower with firm petals, with or without reddish-purple centre
Combretum fruticosum
Burning bush
Large dense horizontal spikes of yellow to orange tubular flowers whose numerous long stamens create a soft brushlike appearance. A scandent shrub.
Power of Action
The power resulting from true surrender to the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium-sized single bright cardinal red flower with firm petals, with or without reddish-purple centre
Purity in Action
When action is initiated by the Divine Will, it is pure.
Stemmadenia litoralis [Stemmadenia galleottiana]
Medium-sized delicate fragrant white salverform flower with five rounded overlapping lobes that form a pinwheel and a narrow yellow throat; borne in erect few-flowered clusters above the leaves. A small attractive flowering tree.
Supramental Action
An action that is not exclusive but total.
Barringtonia asiatica
Medium-sized fragrant white four-petaled flower filled with numerous stamens tinged with purplish pink; borne on short erect racemes; the flower opens in the evening and fades in the morning. A small tree with very large glossy leaves.
Supramentalised Psychic Activity
Luminous, manifold, balanced it meets all needs.
Callistephus chinensis
China aster, Annual aster
Fully double, pink
Barringtonia asiatica
Medium-sized fragrant white four-petaled flower filled with numerous stamens tinged with purplish pink; borne on short erect racemes; the flower opens in the evening and fades in the morning. A small tree with very large glossy leaves.
Supramentalised Psychic Activity
Luminous, manifold, balanced it meets all needs.
Callistephus chinensis
China aster, Annual aster
Fully double, pink
True Action in the Material Vital
Graceful and simple in its spontaneity.
Combretum coccineum
Large dense branching brushlike clusters of small bright crimson five-petalled flowers with exserted stamens. A vine or twining shrub of moderate growth with bronze-coloured new leaves.
Combretum coccineum
Large dense branching brushlike clusters of small bright crimson five-petalled flowers with exserted stamens. A vine or twining shrub of moderate growth with bronze-coloured new leaves.
Divine Will Acting in the Inconscient
Is all-powerful even when we are not aware of it.
Clerodendrum L. sp.
Small mildly fragrant white salverform flower with exserted white stamens, a thin corolla tube and five narrow lobes with up-curving edges; borne in axillary panicles. A small to medium- sized shrub with ovate irregularly serrate leaves.
Divine Will Acting in the SubconscientIs all-powerful even when we are not aware of it.
Clerodendrum L. sp.
Small mildly fragrant white salverform flower with exserted white stamens, a thin corolla tube and five narrow lobes with up-curving edges; borne in axillary panicles. A small to medium- sized shrub with ovate irregularly serrate leaves.
The rare moments when the Divine asserts Himself visibly.
Clerodendrum indicum
Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; the striking curled buds elongate and unfurl; borne in clusters.
Clerodendrum indicum
Tubeflower, Turk's-turban
Small very delicate white salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube, an irregularly shaped limb with scalloped edges and long thin rose violet stamens; the striking curled buds elongate and unfurl; borne in clusters.
Photo Courtesy:
Power of Perseverance (Continued perseverance and action)
The perseverance that overcomes all obstacles.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single orange to red orange flower often tinged rose at the edges of the smooth or slightly crinkled petals and a deep red centre
The perseverance that overcomes all obstacles.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large single orange to red orange flower often tinged rose at the edges of the smooth or slightly crinkled petals and a deep red centre