We can, simply by a sincere aspiration, open a sealed door in us and find...that Something which will change the whole significance of life, reply to all our questions, solve all our problems and lead us to the perfection we aspire for without knowing it, to that reality which alone can satisfy us and give us lasting joy, equilibrium, strength, life.THE MOTHER
Aspiration is like an arrow. ... So you aspire, you want very earnestly to understand, to know, to enter into the Truth. Yes? And then with that aspiration you do this (gesture upwards). Your aspiration rises, rises, rises, rises straight up, very strong and then it strikes against a kind of— how to put it? — a lid which is there, hard like iron and extremely thick, and it does not pass through. And then you say, "See, what's the use of aspiring? It brings nothing at all. I meet with something hard and cannot pass!" But you know about the drop of water which falls on the rock, it ends up by making a chasm: it cuts the rock from top to bottom. Your aspiration is a drop of water which, instead of falling, rises . . . and when it makes the hole suddenly it springs up out of this lid and enters an immensity of light.THE MOTHER
Innumerable, obstinate, repeating itself tirelessly.
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Night jasmine, Tree of sadness
Small fragrant salverform flower with a prominent orange corolla tube and a flat abruptly expanding white limb divided into five to eight irregular lobes; borne in few-flowered terminal cymes. A medium-sized shrub or small tree with flowers that open at night and fall by early morning carpeting the ground.
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Night jasmine, Tree of sadness
Small fragrant salverform flower with a prominent orange corolla tube and a flat abruptly expanding white limb divided into five to eight irregular lobes; borne in few-flowered terminal cymes. A medium-sized shrub or small tree with flowers that open at night and fall by early morning carpeting the ground.
Elan of aspiration
Nothing is too high, nothing is too far for its insatiable ardour.
Cleome hasslerana
Spider flower, Spider plant
Small flowers that open pink and fade to pinkish white, with three erect partially rolled petals and long exserted pistil and stamens; white buds turn pink before opening; borne in ball-like terminal clusters on long erect racemes. A tall strongly scented annual herb with digitate leaves.
Flame of Aspiration
A flame that illuminates but does not burns.
Numerous species of mostly deciduous small to medium-sized very attractive trees and occasionally shrubs usually with palmately lobed leaves, often as wide as they are long; rich bright autumnal colourings vary from light yellow to deep red.
Aspiration for Purity
Purity is perfect sincerity and one can obtain it only when the being is entirely consecrated to the Divine.
Peace lily, Spathe flower
Medium to large cream white to pale green leaflike spathe with a shorter erect white spadix arising from the base; borne singly on long stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb cultivated for its decorative foliage as well as its flowers.
Aspiration for Integral Immortality
An organised, tenacious and methodical development of the consciousness.
Aerva tomentosa
Small to medium-sized thin white woolly catkins borne in short branching axillary or terminal spikes. A weak-stemmed shrub with silvery tomentose leaves.
Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
Blossom, O precious flower, and never close again.
Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Small clusters of tiny brushlike flowers that open pale mauve and become white with age. A vigorous climber that may form a dense curtain; the pendulous stems are white when young.
Triple Aspiration
Love, life and light, recognising their Master, respond to Sachchidananda.
Capparis brevispina
Thorn straggler
Medium-sized white flower with two elongated horizontal petals, two overlapping lower petals prominently shaded deep yellow (changing to maroon) and a centre of numerous exserted stamens; borne singly from the leaf axils. A spiny shrub with glossy dark leaves.
Power of Collective Aspiration
A harmonious collective aspiration can change the course of circumstances.
Hoya carnosa
Wax plant, Honey plant
Small pale pink star-shaped flower with a smaller white star and red spot in the centre; the texture of the flower gives the impression of being carved from wax; borne in dense umbels. A light vine with succulent leaves.
Constant, regular, organised, gentle and patient at the same time, resists all opposition, overcomes all difficulties.
Ixora chinensis
Small pink salverform flower with the limb divided into four somewhat diamond-shaped lobes; borne in dense corymbs. A slightly fragrant medium-sized erect shrub.

Its expression is clear precise and very reasonable.
Ixora coccinea
Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Small light yellow salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and the limb divided into four narrow diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large corymbs. A small to medium-sized shrub with leathery leaves.
Aspiration in the Physical
Manifold, simple and joyful.
Ixora coccinea
Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods, Jungle flame, Burning love
Small deep red salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and the limb divided into four narrow diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large corymbs. A small to medium-sized shrub with leathery leaves.
Aspiration in Physical for the Supramental Light
Clustered, persistent, obstinate, organised, methodical.
Ixora javanica [Ixora singaporensis]
Common red ixora, Javanese ixora
Small golden orange to red orange salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and a limb divided into four somewhat diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large compact corymbs. A large shrub in bloom most of the year.
Aspiration for Conquest of Enemies in the Vital
A concentrated and unobtrusive will acting quietly but effectively.
Verbena tenuisecta
Moss verbena
Elongated spikes of small light pink salverform flowers with five irregular rounded lobes. A low perennial herb with deeply cut somewhat lacy leaves.
Aspiration for Immortality
Pure, soaring, full of trust.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes; all colours except greenish white, purplish pink and red. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Vital Aspiration for Immortality
Clustered, intense, but short-lived.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny Purplish pink loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Physical Aspiration for Immortality
Intense aspiration, but ignorant of the means.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny red loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Spiritual Aspiration in the Vital
(No comment)
Celosia argentea (Plumosa group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny red flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Aspiration for Silence in the Mind
Too noisy to be effective.
Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small sky blue salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.
Aspiration for Silence in the physical Mind
Does what it can, but cannot do much.
Eranthemum pulchellum
Blue sage
Small blue violet salverform flower with five rounded lobes; borne on a dense variegated bracted spike. A colourful winter-flowering subshrub.
Aspiration for Spiritual Intensity
Bold, elegant, obstinate.
Orthosiphon stamineus
Cat's whiskers
Small white salverform flower with a very thin corolla tube, two irregular opposite lobes, one spreading and one narrow, and long graceful exserted upward curving stamens which are pale lavender at the top; borne in elongated terminal racemes. A weak-stemmed perennial with dark green serrated leaves.
Aspiration for Spirituality
Conscious of the advantages of spiritualisation.
Sage, Ramona
Small tubular bilabiate flowers in white and shades of blue, pink, purple and red; borne in erect spikes or curving racemes. A herb, subshrub or shrub.
Aspiration for Supramental Guidance in the Subconscient
Intense need of order, light and knowledge in the subconscient penumbra.
Pachystachys coccinea
Small bright red to dark red bilabiate flower with the upper lip divided into two lobes and the lower into three; borne on erect bracteate spikes. A medium-sized herbaceous shrub with large ovate opposite leaves and a somewhat open habit.
Intense need of order, light and knowledge in the subconscient penumbra.
Pachystachys coccinea
Small bright red to dark red bilabiate flower with the upper lip divided into two lobes and the lower into three; borne on erect bracteate spikes. A medium-sized herbaceous shrub with large ovate opposite leaves and a somewhat open habit.
Aspiration for the Right Attitude
Energetic, willing, determined.
Clerodendrum Xspeciosum
Java glory bean
Small purplish red salver form flower with long exserted bright red stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a green bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.
Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bag flower, Bleeding heart vine
Small deep red salver form flower with long exserted stamens and a limb divided into five irregular lobes that protrude from the end of a milk white bell-shaped calyx; borne in axillary cymes. A light twining shrub.

Aspiration for Trust in the Divine
An intense need for that immutable peace given by the certitude of the Divine Grace.
Asystasia dalzelliana
Small pale purple funnelform flower with five lobes edged pale purple, the lower lobe marked deep purple and the throat finely lined and irregularly spotted white; borne in few-flowered racemes. A subshrub with ovate leaves.
Aspiration for Vital Purity
Delicate, modest, insistent.
Duranta erecta [Duranta repens]
Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Tiny sweetly scented lavender salverform flower with a white centre, borne on small racemes. A large ornamental shrub or small tree.
Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.
Russelia equisetiformis
Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Small bright coral narrow tubular flowers with five tiny rounded lobes; borne in light cascading clusters. A small subshrub with rushlike angled, arching or pendulous stems.
Aspiration of the Mind for the Supramental Guidance
The mind feels that its complexity is powerless and asks for a greater light to illuminate it.
Justicia aurea
Medium-sized yellow tubular flower with the corolla partly divided into two lips, emerging from a conspicuous dark green bract; in dense brushlike terminal spikes. An erect narrow shrub with four-sided stems.
An intense need for that immutable peace given by the certitude of the Divine Grace.
Asystasia dalzelliana
Small pale purple funnelform flower with five lobes edged pale purple, the lower lobe marked deep purple and the throat finely lined and irregularly spotted white; borne in few-flowered racemes. A subshrub with ovate leaves.
Aspiration for Vital Purity
Delicate, modest, insistent.
Duranta erecta [Duranta repens]
Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Tiny sweetly scented lavender salverform flower with a white centre, borne on small racemes. A large ornamental shrub or small tree.
Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.
Russelia equisetiformis
Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Small bright coral narrow tubular flowers with five tiny rounded lobes; borne in light cascading clusters. A small subshrub with rushlike angled, arching or pendulous stems.
Aspiration of the Mind for the Supramental Guidance
The mind feels that its complexity is powerless and asks for a greater light to illuminate it.
Justicia aurea
Medium-sized yellow tubular flower with the corolla partly divided into two lips, emerging from a conspicuous dark green bract; in dense brushlike terminal spikes. An erect narrow shrub with four-sided stems.

Vital Aspiration for the Union with the Divine
It raises straight up in an intense and concentrated movement.
Knotweed, Smartweed
Very tiny light pink bell-shaped flowers that bloom sparsely but are accompanied by many minute round buds on slender racemes. A tall narrow aquatic plant with sparse foliage of long drooping lanceolate leaves.
Beauty Aspiring for the Supramental Realisation
Beauty is no longer sufficient unto itself; it wants to become divine.
Narcissus poeticus
Poet's narcissus, Pheasant's eye narcissus
Medium-sized very fragrant snow white flower with six rounded or pointed petals and a small orange or yellow central cup; borne singly or in umbels on scapes. A spring-blooming bulb.
Matter Aspiring for the Supramental Guidance
Dissatisfied and troubled. Matter asks for a powerful guide to put it in order.
Odontonema strictum
Small red curving tubular flower with five irregularly separated flaring lobes; borne in erect branching racemes. A small to medium shrub with wavy-edged leaves.
Nature Aspires to be Supramentalised
The first response of plant life to the action of the supramental forces.
Stictocardia beraviensis
Medium-sized funnelform flower with a glowing rose red satiny recurved limb and a wide deep yellow throat prominently lined with red; borne in few-flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A strong woody twiner with large heart-shaped leaves.
Power Aspiring to become an Instrument for the Divine Work
Power, opening to a higher consciousness, awakens to the need of being at the service of the Divine.
Passiflora vitifolia
Passion flower
Large bright red flower with five separated pointed petals and five petal-like sepals, a central corona of red filaments that surround a cluster of white filaments and an elongated staminal column that ends in three red stigmas and five yellow green anthers; borne singly from the leaf axils. A moderately vigorous vine.
Sex centre Aspiring to be Purified
The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large pink spathe and a prominent thick erect pink and white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Spiritual Aspiration
Rises like an arrow without caring for obstacles or laggards.
Terminalia catappa
Tropical almond, Indian almond, Kamani, Myrobalan
Tiny white starlike flowers with numerous short stamens; borne in long thin dense racemes resembling catkins. A large tree with thick leathery obovate leaves that often turn red before falling.
Spiritual Aspiration in the Physical
Comes in bursts to counteract and overcome resistances which cannot succeed in making it give up.
Russelia sarmentosa
Tiny crimson tubular flower borne in many- flowered clusters. A floriferous subshrub with four to six angled stems and ovate-ferrate leaves.
Spontaneous Aspiration of Nature towards the Divine
Wide open, spontaneous, irrevocable in its spontaneous power.
Leucanthemum vulgare [Chrysanthemum leucanthemum]
Ox-eye daisy, Moon daisy, Marguerite
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with a yellow centre, borne singly on a long stalk. A slender erect rhizomatous perennial.
Aspiration for Organisation
Clear and methodical, order at the expense of multiplicity.
White flower with a reddish purple centre and a few reddish purple dots on the lower central lobe; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always) overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A medium-sized shrub with narrow green lanceolate leaves.

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