There is only one salvation: to cling to the Divine like this (gesture with two fists). Not to cling to what one thinks of the Divine, not even to what one feels of the Divine ... to an aspiration, an aspiration as sincere as possible. And to cling to that.THE MOTHER
When a resolution has been taken, when you decided that the whole of your life shall be given to the Divine, you have still at every moment to remember it and carry it out in all details of your existence. You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can own; you feel everything that is coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source.THE MOTHER
Attachment to the DivineKeep yourself free from all human attachment and you will be happy.THE MOTHER
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Belamcanda chinensis
Blackberry lily, Leopard lily
Small deep orange flower with six narrow widely separated petals covered with bright red spots; borne in loose corymbs on long narrow stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb with broad swordlike leaves.

Wraps itself around the Divine and takes all its support in Him, so as to be sure of never leaving Him. Offers itself spontaneously to the Divine.
Considered to be the largest family of flowering plants and the most highly evolved, orchids are found in every colour of the spectrum and encompass an extraordinary range of size and form. They are usually epiphytic in tropical regions where they are the most numerous, and terrestrial in temperate and arctic regions.
Wraps itself around the Divine and finds all its support in Him so as to be sure of never leaving Him.
All species in many colours except white and lavender pink. Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Beauty of Attachment to the Divine
When the physical world manifests the splendour of the Divine, all will become marvellous.
Lavender pink flower with a lime green throat marked with magenta.Large fragrant flower with three narrow petal-like sepals held behind two wide horizontal trilled petals and a third lower petal modified to form a showy lip; borne in few-flowered racemes. An epiphyte with thick stiff leaves and pseudo-bulbs.

Mental Attachment to the Divine
Beautiful in form and in expression.
Dendrobium moschatum
Medium-sized fragrant pale golden orange flower with one erect and two lower sepals, two wider horizontal petals and a prominent fuzzy, pouchlike lip with two maroon spots near the base; borne in pendulous racemes. A showy epiphyte.
Emotional Attachment to the Divine
Cups of flowery feeling offered to the Divine
Papilionanthe teres [Vanda teres]
Medium-sized flower with five ovate widely separated pale pinkish lavender petals and a central arched golden yellow lip with the lower edge extended to form two rounded pinkish lavender lobes; borne in erect racemes. An erect epiphyte with terete leaves.
Attachment in the emotional vital to the Divine
An artistic and graceful attachment, perhaps a little fanciful.
Vanda coerulea
Blue orchid
Medium-sized light lavender-blue flower with a small violet lip and five obovate widely separated petals; borne in racemes on erect scapes. An epiphyte with straplike leaves.
Detailed Attachment to the Divine
Manifold, scrupulous, neglecting nothing, always ready to make an effort, meticulous.
Vanda tessellata
Medium-sized fragrant flower with five stiff separated olive green petals with crinkled edges and marked with greenish yellow, and a prominent lavender lip; widely spaced on erect racemes. A heat-loving epiphyte with narrow straplike leaves.
Vital Attachment to the Divine
Manifold and abundant in its multiplicity.
Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small pale to deep lavender pink flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.
Integral Attachment to the Divine
On the right way towards realisation
Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small white flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.
Attachment of the Cells to the Divine
They know how to expect everything from Him and to rely only on Him.
Epidendrum X obrienianum
Scarlet orchid, Butterfly orchid, Baby orchid
Numerous small deep red star-shaped flowers that have a prominent uniquely shaped fringed lip with a golden yellow spot; borne in terminal clusters on long stems. A tall slender epiphytic orchid.
Lasting Attachment
Modest, unostentatious, but persistent.
All species of woody vines that have prominently lobed glossy evergreen leaves and the ability to attach themselves to almost any surface.

Timidity in Attachment to the Divine
Full of life, but not knowing how to change this life into an offering to the Divine.
Further comment: Timidity in attachment: I want to say that the attachment is not complete and unreserved; there are some parts of the being that question and hold back because they do not have total trust; one might say that it is a conditional attachment, such as: "If the Divine does what I want, I will remain attached to Him."
Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora'
Green rose
Small double green flower. A small shrub.
Photo Courtesy: JerryG
Attachment of the Material Vital to the Divine
An attachment that insists on feeling the power of contact.
Eranthemum laxiflorum
Small reddish violet salverform flower with a thin tube that expands into five somewhat irregular and pointed lobes; borne in one- to three- flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A small prolific flowering shrub.
Supramental Attachment for the Divine
Manifold and smiling, repeating itself endlessly.
Rosa ‘Father’s Day’
Small double light orange flower borne in small clusters on short stems. A small shrub.
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