Awakening of the first Response of the Nature to the Supramental Manifestation
Interested, she opens herself and tries to understand.
Jatropha integerrima
Peregrina, Spicy jatropha
- Small reddish pink flower with five narrow rounded separated petals and conspicuous anthers; borne in long-stemmed terminal cymes. A shrub with variable leaf forms which are often fiddle-shaped.
- Another form is a small light pink cup-shaped flower with rounded petals and conspicuous yellow anthers.

Awakening in the mind
Let it turn to the Light and to the Light alone.
Turnera ulmifolia
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Small yellow saucer-shaped flower with five slightly separated rounded petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A subshrub with pubescent heavily serrated lanceolate leaves.

Awakening of the Physical Mind
It wants to know and opens itself wide in order to understand.
Turnera subulata
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Medium-sized cream white saucer-shaped flower with five rounded petals crimped at outer edge, a tiny maroon streaked centre with a yellow aura; borne singly from the leaf axlis. A perennial herb with serrate pubescent leaves.

Emotions Awake to the First Contact with the Divine
The Light begins to work in the emotional consciousness.
Acanthus montanus
Mountain thistle
Small light purple to purple tubular flowers tinged white with the lower edge divided into three lobes, set in a spiny calyx and borne in tall spikes. A small shrub with spiny leaves.

First Mental Awakening in Matter
It has preceded and prepared man's future upon earth.
Tribulus terrestris
Caltrop, Devil's weed, Puncture vine, Burnut
Small yellow saucer-shaped rotate wayside flower with five spreading overlapping petals; borne singly from the leaf axils. A mostly prostrate annual or perennial herb bearing hard nutlets with sharp spines.

Psychic awakening in Matter
Matter opens itself to the spiritual life.
Dodonaea viscosa
Hopseed bush
Small green papery three-winged seed-capsules tinged with light maroon, turning brown when ripe; borne in clusters among the leaves. A medium-sized shrub or slender tree with ovate- lanceolate leaves.

Spiritual Awakening in Vital
It soars towards the heights in the hope of reaching them.
Solenostemon scutellarioides [Coleus Xhybridus]
Coleus, Painted nettle
Tiny two-lipped flowers that open pale lavender and turn white, borne in small densely flowered terminal spikes. A perennial succulent herb popular for its colourful foliage.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
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