Blessings[My blessings are] for the Will of the Lord to be done, with full force and power. So it is not necessary that there should always be a success. There might be a failure also, if such is the Will of the Lord. And the Will is for the progress, I mean the inner progress. So whatever will happen will be for the best.
Pure and innumerable, manifesting themselves infinitely.
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Sweet scabius. Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Small rounded heads composed of tiny mildly fragrant pinkish lavender flowers with numerous white stamens resembling a pincushion, the outer row with larger rounded lobes; borne singly on long stems. An erect annual with somewhat leathery leaves.

Blessings on the Material World
Puissant and innumerable, they answer all needs.
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Sweet scabius, Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Small rounded heads composed of tiny mildly fragrant deep purple flowers with numerous white stamens resembling a pincushion, the outer row with larger rounded lobes; borne singly on long stems. An erect annual with somewhat leathery leaves.