The result of trust and success.
Medium to large showy erect cup-shaped flower with six overlapping petals, in all colours; borne singly on sturdy stems. A spring-flowering bulb.

Blossoming of Nature
Abundant and strong, nothing can stop its growth.
Calluna vulgaris
Ling, Scots heather
Tiny fragrant rose pink bell-shaped flowers densely borne in one-sided spikelike terminal racemes. A small evergreen shrub.

Blossoming of the New Creation (Blossoming of Auroville)
The more we concentrate on the goal, the more it blossoms forth and becomes precise.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Large semi-double flower of the cup-and-saucer type with rounded outer petals and a tufted centre, in bright orange or bright yellow with a fire red centre.
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