Aspiration for Integral Immortality
An organised, tenacious and methodical development of the consciousness.
Aerva tomentosa
Small to medium-sized thin white woolly catkins borne in short branching axillary or terminal spikes. A weak-stemmed shrub with silvery tomentose leaves.
Integral Attachment to the Divine
On the right way towards realisation
Spathoglottis plicata
Orchid, Terrestrial orchid
Small white flower with three petal-like sepals, two similar but slightly broader petals and a small uniquely shaped centre and lip; borne in clusters on leafless stems. A free-flowering terrestrial orchid with ovoid pseudo-bulbs.
Integral Balance
It multiplies itself so as not to be static.
Tiny white waxy flowers with two prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.
Perfect Integral Balance
One is ready for transformation.
Medium-sized single or double white flowers with two or more prominent petals and yellow anthers and stigmas; borne in delicately balanced cymes. A succulent perennial herb often with beautifully coloured leaves.
Integral Conversion
Above all conflicts and struggles, in a harmonious blossoming.
Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Large trumpet-shaped fragrant white flowers with or without a green centre; flowers with six flared petals and long curving stamens; borne on tall sturdy scapes. A large bulb with thick, usually strap like leaves that appear after the blooming season.
Integral Courage
Whatever the domain, whatever the danger, the attitude remains the same-calm and assured.
Mudar, Crown plant, Bowstring hemp
Small white star-shaped flower with fleshy petals and a beautifully sculpted crownlike centre; buds are greenish grey and waxy; borne in dense terminal clusters. A large shrub with whitish woolly leaf surfaces.
Integral Endurance
It will go on unfailingly till the end of its task.
Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Large, usually double compositae white flowers with firm spatulate ray florets; borne singly on sturdy stems. A long- blooming garden annual.
Integral Enthusiasm
The whole being does whatever it does with ardour.
Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented single white salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with viscid flowers, stems and leaves.
Cheerful Integral Enthusiasm
To ardour is added the joy of doing things well.
Petunia Xhybrida
Medium to large scented double white salverform flowers with a narrow hairy tube and a broad soft often velvety limb, usually with a slightly scalloped edge; borne singly from the leaf axils. A floriferous annual herb with viscid flowers, stems and leaves.
Integrally Equal Basis in the Physical
What you have, I have; what you can do, I can do; what you express, I express-we are all alike.
Clerodendrum philippinum [Clerodendrum fragrans]
Glory bower, Glory tree
Compact terminal clusters of small fragrant white roselike flowers with red calyces. A small to medium-sized shrub with large pungent leaves.
Integral Gratitude
The whole being offers itself to the Lord in absolute trust.
Operculina turpethum
Wood rose
Large white funnelform flower with five shallow irregularly rounded lobes, a light greenish yellow throat and a corolla tube enclosed in light green enlarged sepals; borne singly or in few-flowered cymes from the leaf axils. A rampant vine with attractive seed capsules.
Integral Harmony
Harmony between things, harmony between persons, harmony of circumstances and, above all, harmony of aspirations — all leading towards the Supreme Truth.
Antigonon leptopus
Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Tiny delicate lantern-shaped white flowers in small racemes forming long trailing sprays. A dense fast growing vine with heavily veined lanceolate or ovate-cordate leaves.
Integral Immortality
It is a promise! When will it be a material fact?
Gomphrena globosa
Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Small rounded everlasting heads of white papery bracts enfolding minute star-shaped cream white flowers; borne singly on slender stems. An erect branching annual herb.
Joseph's coat, Chaff-flower, Joyweed, Broad path
Small white rounded papery heads of tiny everlasting flowers in small axillary clusters. A perennial herb or shrub with green, reddish or purplish leaves.
Integral Intimacy with the Divine
The whole being vibrates only to the Divine touch.
Lagerstroemia indica
Crape myrtle, Crepe flower
Medium-sized mildly fragrant white flower, with delicate deeply crinkled petals and a conspicuous central tuft of yellow anthers; borne in dense terminal panicles. A floriferous shrub or small tree.
Integral Love for the Divine
Pure, complete and irrevocable, it is a love that gives itself for ever.
Medium to large solitary pure white flower. A large shrub.
Integral Mental Purity
Silent, attentive, receptive, concentrated on the Divine-such is the path of purity.
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Medium-sized slightly fragrant semi-double white salverform flower with curling slightly crinkled petal-like lobes. A medium-sized shrub with glossy leaves.
Integral Offering
The surest road to realisation.
Alcea rosea
Medium to large single or double funnel-shaped white flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short staminal column covered with loose yellow pollen; borne on tall spirelike stems. A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.
Integral Offering of the Vital
An important stage on the way to transformation.
Alcea rosea
Medium to large single or double funnel-shaped white flowers with a lavender centre; satiny overlapping lobes and a short staminal column covered with loose yellow pollen; borne on tall spirelike stems. A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.
Integral Opening of the Being to the Divine
The first step of the ascent.
Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small white salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.
Integral Opening to the Light
The assurance of the coming peace and joy.
Thunbergia erecta Alba
King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Medium-sized white salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat; a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Integral Organisation
Preliminary necessity for transformation.
Small white salverform flowers with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always)overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A small shrub with leaves often variegated or strongly coloured in maroon to dark purple.
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Integral Prayer
The whole being is concentrated in a single prayer to the Divine.
Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small to medium-sized funnel-shaped white flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.
Integral Progress
Can only be satisfied by integrality. The best way to go fast.
Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Small to medium-sized salverform flowers with a narrow green corolla tube and limb divided into five separated spatulate lobes; white; borne singly in the leaf axils. A long-blooming perennial herb.
Integral Progress in Matter
Matter awakens to consciousness.
Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Small to medium-sized salverform flowers with a narrow green corolla tube and limb divided into five separated spatulate lobes; white with red centre; borne singly in the leaf axils. A long-blooming perennial herb.
Integral Progress in the Vital
The vital consents to be purified.
Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Small to medium-sized salverform flowers with a narrow green corolla tube and limb divided into five separated spatulate lobes; white with violet centre; borne singly in the leaf axils. A long-blooming perennial herb.
Integral Protection
That which can be given only by the Divine.
Clusters of showy ovate white bracts in groups of three or more that enfold tiny white to greenish white salverform flowers. A shrub, vine or small tree, usually armed with spines.
Integral Psychological Perfection
One of the conditions indispensable for transformation.
Plumeria obtusa
Frangipani, Temple tree, Nosegay, West Indian jasmine, Pagoda tree
Large fragrant white flower with five long slender widely separated petals and a small yellow centre; borne in large terminal clusters, a shrub with large stiff oblong leaves.
Integral Purity
The whole being is purified of the ego.
Jasminum sambac
Jasmine, Jessamine
Intensely fragrant fully double white roselike salverform flowers with a slender tube; the flowers are typically highly fragrant; borne in terminal or axillary cymes. Shrubs or vines.
Integral Receptivity
The whole being perceives the Divine Will and obeys it.
Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Tall elegant compact one-sided spike of small to medium-sized white flowers with six flared petals that are often ruffled and frilled; a bulbous plant with sword-shaped leaves.
Integral Renunciation of the Vital Desires
An indispensable condition for true progress.
Angelonia salicariifolia
Small fragrant white bilabiate flowers with two upper and three lower recurved rounded lobes; borne in terminal racemes. A perennial herb with viscid aromatic leaves.
Integral Revelation
Half-way to transformation.
Costus Speciosus
Wild ginger. Crepe ginger
Medium to large fragrant rose purple tubular flower with a petal-like lip spotted purple at the base, emerging from a waxy white three pointed calyx which in turn emerges from striking waxy deep red bracts; borne in terminal spikes. A tall rhizomatous perennial herb with slender aromatic reedlike leafy stems.
Integral Silence
The source of true force.
Passiflora foetida
Running pop, Love-in-a-mist, Wild water lemon
Small delicate white flower backed by three viscid hairy green bracts and filled with numerous curled filaments; the pale green anthers and styles arise from a short staminal column; borne singly or in pairs from the leaf axils. A small perennial wayside vine with densely hairy stems and soft downy leaves that are shallowly three-lobed.
Integral Simplicity
The simplicity that comes from perfect sincerity.
Vittadinia triloba
Creeping daisy
Small compositae flower with a double row of numerous narrow rounded white ray florets and a buttonlike centre of yellow disc forets; borne singly on thin stems. A small floriferous perennial herb or subshrub.
Integral Solace
That which one can receive only from the Divine.
Mirabilis jalapa
Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Small fragrant white salverform flowers with a long corolla tube and the limb divided into five rounded lobes that open towards evening. A perennial herb with large deep tuberous roots.
Integral Tapasya
The whole being lives only to know and serve the Divine.
Thorn apple
Large double mildly fragrant erect trumpet-shaped white flower with corolla tube partly encased in a large velvety inflated green calyx; borne singly from the leaf axils. A highly poisonous annual or short-lived perennial herb with large dark green tomentose leaves.
Integral Thoroughness
Nothing is neglected in order to reach the Divine Goal.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small white salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat-topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.
Integral Transparency
It is the result of goodwill and perfect sincerity.
Callistephus chinensis
China aster
Medium-sized slightly scented double compositae white flowers with a yellow central disc and numerous narrow ray florets creating a soft pom-pom effect; borne singly. A compact bushy annual.
Integral Trust in the Divine
The trust that gives the true support to life.
Asystasia gangetica
Small white funnelform flowers with a short corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded overlapping lobes; borne in one-sided racemes. Spreading lightly pubescent perennial herbs with opposite ovate leaves.
Integral Unconditional Offering
The joy of self-offering without asking anything in return.
Ipomoea tricolor 'Pearly Gates'
Morning glory
Large radiant translucent white funnelform flower with a cream yellow throat. An annual climber.
Integral Wealth of Mahalakshmi
Wealth in all domains and all activities, intellectual, psychological, material, in feeling and action.
Water lily
Large showy usually very fragrant pure white flowers with a golden centre and with numerous narrow pointed or rounded petals, many prominent erect stamens and four petal- like sepals; borne singly on long stems, either floating or held above the water. An aquatic rhizomatous herb with large floating peltate leaves.
Striving towards Integral Wisdom
Like everything that belongs to creation, wisdom is progressive.
Calliandra portoricensis
Medium-sized powderpuff head composed of white stamens; borne from the leaf axils. A tall spreading shrub.
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Integral Wisdom
The wisdom one obtains through union with the Divine.
Albizia lebbeck
Siris tree, Woman's tongue tree, Lebbeck tree
Very fragrant medium-sized tassel-like head composed of numerous long cream white stamens with yellow green tips; borne in axillary clusters. A large spreading deciduous tree.
Integrally Pure Thoughts
An effect of the Divine Grace
Viola X Wittrockiana
Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Medium to large soft velvety cream yellow flower with five rounded irregularly overlapping petals; borne singly. A lovely low annual or short-lived perennial.
Peace of Integral Faithfulness
Be faithful to the Divine and you will enjoy a constant peace.
Portlandia grandiflora
Large fragrant waxy pure white trumpet-shaped flower with a limb divided into seven pointed lobes; borne singly. A glossy-leaved evergreen shrub.
Joy of integral Faithfulness
That bond of love which makes all faithfulness so easy.
Portlandia grandiflora
Large fragrant waxy white flower finely edged with pink; trumpet-shaped flower with a limb divided into seven pointed lobes; borne singly. A glossy-leaved evergreen shrub.
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Joy of Integral Peace
Calm and tranquil, an unfailing smile.
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Large fragrant white lily like flower with a long narrow green tube and six widely separated slightly recurved petal-like lobes, each with a light pink band down the centre; borne in umbels on long sturdy scapes. A large bulb with strap-like leaves.
Krishna’s Integral Play
All the parts of the being respond to His influence.
Torenia fournieri 'Alba'
Wishbone flower, Bluewings
Small salverform white flowers with pale pinkish tan; flattened corolla tube and a limb irregularly divided into one larger crimped upper lobe and three smaller lower lobes with an yellow spot in the centre of the lower lobe; the prominent calyx is light green and ribbed; borne singly in the leaf axils or in few-flowered terminal racemes. A low delicate annual herb.
Power of Integral Expression
Nothing is too difficult for it to say.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate white flowers with yellow throat; with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Integral Purity
The power of accepting only the Divine influence.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
- Small or large single white flower with long separated petals and a bright red or vermilion centre.
- Another form is also white with long separated petals but is medium-sized and has a bright red pinwheel centre.
Skill in Integral Work
All that is done is done well, whatever the work undertaken.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small white salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Balanced use of the Integral Power
In truth, power can only become integral when it is used in a balanced way.
Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Showy medium-sized single white velvety bell- shaped flower with a spreading limb divided into five to twelve lobes with ruffled edges; borne singly or in small clusters on long stems. A low tuberous perennial herb with broad pubescent leaves.
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Integral Conversion with the Help of the Psychic
Sweetness mingles with resolution.
Amaryllis, Knight's star lily, Barbados lily
Large trumpet-shaped flowers with wavy petals spotted rose; flowers with six flared petals and long curving stamens; borne on tall sturdy scapes. A large bulb with thick, usually strap like leaves that appear after the blooming season.
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