Of a refined beauty, sufficient to itself.
Tiny very fragrant salverform flowers with a limb composed of four spreading lobes, in white and shades of purple, pink, red, blue and yellow, also bicoloured; borne in dense many-flowered terminal or axillary panicles. A deciduous shrub or small tree.

Distinction of the Vital
Light and graceful, of refined elegance.
Further comment: Distinction is the result of refinement, aristocracy, measure and artistic fineness.
Melia azedarach
Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Pride of India, Bead tree
Small fragrant star-shaped flower with a narrow deep purple stamina tube and five narrow recurved white petals tinged with mauve; borne in axillary panicles. A medium-sized spreading ornamental tree.

Photo Courtesy: Wlcutler
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