Aditi-the Divine ConsciousnessConsciousness is a fundamental thing, the fundamental thing in existence — it is the energy, the motion, the movement of consciousness that creates the universe and all that is in it - not only the macrocosm but the microcosm is nothing but consciousness arranging itself.
Consciousness is made up of two elements, awareness of self and things and forces and conscious-power. Awareness is the first thing necessary, you have to be aware of things in the right consciousness, in the right way, seeing them in their truth; but awareness by itself is not enough. There must be a Will and a Force that make the consciousness effective.
The only thing that is truly effective is the change of consciousness; it is inner liberation through a close and constant union, absolute and inevitable, with the vibration of the supramental forces. The preoccupation of every second, the will of all the elements of the being, the aspiration of the whole being, including all the cells of the body, is this union with the supramental forces, the divine forces. And there is no longer any need at all to be concerned with what the consequences will be. What has to be in the play of the universal forces and their manifestation will be, quite naturally, spontaneously, automatically; there is no need to be concerned about it. The only thing that matters is the constant, total, complete contact - constant, yes, constant — with the Force, the Light, the Truth, the Power, and that ineffable delight of the supramental consciousness.
Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.
Nelumbo nucifera 'Alba'
Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Very large fragrant chalice-shaped white flower with several rows of loosely arranged cupped translucent petals surrounding a unique centre of numerous golden stamens that encircle a raised yellow disc; borne singly on sturdy stems high above the water. A vigorous aquatic rhizomatous plant with large, concave orbicular leaves that repel water.
Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
Blossom, 0 precious flower, and never close again.
Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Small clusters of tiny brushlike flowers that open pale mauve and become white with age. A vigorous climber that may form a dense curtain; the pendulous stems are white when young.
Consciousness Turned towards the Light
It thirsts for Light and cannot live without it.
Medium to large single compositae flowers with a prominent centre of brown or green disc florets and light to deep yellow ray florets; borne singly. An annual or perennial herb.
Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light
It thirsts for truth and will find its satisfaction only in the truth.
Medium to large single compositae flowers with a prominent centre of brown or green disc florets and yellow orange ray florets; borne singly. An annual or perennial herb.
Intensity of the Consciousness in the Full Supramental Light
It is radiant and shining in order to illuminate the world.
Medium to large fully double yellow compositae flowers; borne singly or in corymbs. An annual or perennial herb.
Body-Consciousness undergoing the Supramental Transformation
Solid and resolute, it faces all difficulties.
Large striking compositae flower with sienna ray florets streaked with golden yellow and a golden aura that radiates from a large dark brown central disc; borne singly or in clusters. An annual or perennial herb.

Conscious Vital Immortality
The immortality of an organised and conscious vital being.
Gomphrena globosa
Globe amaranth, Bachelor's button
Small rounded everlasting heads of pale lavender pink papery bracts enfolding minute star-shaped cream white flowers; borne singly on slender stems. An erect branching annual herb.
Consciousness One with the Divine Consciousness
Smiling and happy, it no longer knows any shadows.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Large double flower with light pink petals shading to deeper pink towards the dark red centre and fading to cream at the outer edges.
First Conscious Reception of the Light in Nature
The origin or starting-point of the will to progress. Nature has an instinctive thirst for Light.
Widow's tears, Dayflower
Tiny blue to lavender flower with two upper clawed petals, one lower inconspicuous petal and three smaller whitish sepals; emerging singly or in pairs from a folded green bract. A perennial succulent herb.
Physical Consciousness Entirely Turned Towards the Divine
It thirsts for the Divine and wants nothing but Him.
Tithonia rotundifolia
Mexican sunflower
Medium-sized compositae flower with bright reddish orange ray florets and a tufted yellow centre; borne singly on a long stem. A robust erect bushy annual herb.

Power of Consciousness
All the powers of controlling and governing the lower movements of inconscient nature.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Double flowers in all sizes with colours that range from raspberry pink through red to crimson.
Power of the Psychic Consciousness
Psychic power organises the activities of the nature to make them progress.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Medium to large double bright rose pink flower with ruffled petals and a deep red centre.
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Organising and active, irresistible in its influence.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Rukmini'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
- Medium to large double flower in deep gold shading to apricot with a red or deep orange centre.
- Another form is a medium to large double golden orange flower suffused with deeper orange towards the centre, often with a deep red centre.

Photo Courtesy: Snr.coconut
Supramental Consciousness
Gloriously awake and powerful. Luminous, sure of itself, infallible in its movements.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
- Large double bright yellow or golden yellow flowers.
- Another form has a red centre.
Photo Courtesy: Sergey
Radha’s Consciousness
Symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine.
Clitoria ternatea
Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Medium-sized single or double ultramarine blue papilionaceous flower that has a broad oval central petal with a yellow centre and wing petals edged with pale blue; borne singly on a short stem. A slender perennial vine with beanlike pods.
Radha’s Consciousness in the vital
Perfect attachment to the Divine replaces all vital attractions and passions.
Clitoria ternatea
Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Medium-sized single light purple or mauve papilionaceous flower that has a broad oval central petal with a yellow centre and wing petals edged with pale blue; borne singly on a short stem. A slender perennial vine with beanlike pods.
Solid Steadfastness in the Material Consciousness
The material consciousness has a firm and solid steadfastness.
Bombax ceiba
Red silk-cotton tree, Simul
Large deep red flower with five fleshy recurved petals and prominent stamens in two central whorls; borne singly. A very large spiny deciduous tree with palmate leaves.