Working of the Enlightened Mind
It is very powerful in leading the being to the Divine and can be very useful for progress.

Crataeva Adansonii [Crataeva Nurvala; Crataeva Religiosa]
Caper tree
Medium-sized fragrant flowers, opening white and turning cream with age, composed of numerous long stamens surrounded on one side by four oval petals; clustered in short racemes along the leafless branches. A small to medium-sized deciduous tree.

Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke

Enlightened Prudence
Looks carefully before going forward.

Emilia sonchifolia 'Lutea' (Javanica)
Flora's paintbrush, Tassel flower
Small golden yellow soft tassel-like head of Compositae flowers in loose corymbs. A low annual herb with sagittate leaves, the base of the leaves clasping the stems.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr

Enlightened Individual Power
Limited in its action, but of a very high capacity.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Small single coral pink flower with deeper pink veins and an intense red centre; the backs of the petals are edged in cream.

Photo Courtesy: Char1iej

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