Power of ExpressionThe power of expression comes by getting in touch with the inner source from which these things come.
For a certain state of consciousness there is not a word, not a gesture, not an action which does not express a deeper or higher reality, more lasting, more essential, more true; and once one has seen and felt this, everything takes on a meaning, and one sees more clearly how things ought to be organised, arranged so that a deeper truth may be expressed even better than it is at present.
The truest expression comes out of an absolute inner silence.
It has the power to manifest that which is latent.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate flowers in white and shades of yellow, orange, pink and red with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Psychic Expression
The psychic obtains its power of expression when it governs the whole being.
Antirrhinum majus
Snap dragon
Small bilabiate pink flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Mental Expression
Has no value unless it is at the service of the Divine.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate yellow flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of vital Expression
It is useful only when the vital is converted.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate purple to violet flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Physical Expression
One of the benefits of conversion.
Antirrhinum majus
Snap dragon
Small bilabiate red flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Integral Expression
Nothing is too difficult for it to say.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate white flowers with yellow throat; with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Power of Manifold Expression
The result of suppleness and plasticity.
Antirrhinum majus
Small bilabiate multicoloured flowers with a short flattened corolla tube; the upper lip has two broad recurved lobes, the raised centre of the lower lip closes the "mouth" of the flower, the lower edge is lobed and somewhat ruffled; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Progressive Expression
What you cannot say today, you will know how to say tomorrow!
Antirrhinum majus ‘Butterfly hybrid’
A variation of the common snapdragon in which the lower lip is flattened, opening the "mouth" of the flower into a somewhat trumpet shape; borne in erect racemes. A colourful annual or perennial.
Picture Courtesy: hflp.sdstate.edu
Abundant Expression
Has much to say and says it fully.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny golden yellow loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Joyful Expression
It enjoys itself and gives enjoyment to others.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny golden orange loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Expressive Silence
Certain silences are revealing and more expressive than words.
Linaria maroccana
Toadflax, Spurred snapdragon
Small bilabiate flowers with a short pointed spur, an erect upper lip that is shallowly divided into two rounded lobes and a lower lip that is crimped, then spreading and slightly scalloped and ruffled; in shades of blue, pink, purple and gold; borne in erect terminal racemes. A slender- stemmed annual herb with narrow linear leaves.
Has much to say and says it fully.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny golden yellow loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Joyful Expression
It enjoys itself and gives enjoyment to others.
Celosia argentea (Plumosa Group)
Feathered amaranth
Long erect branching spikes of tiny golden orange loosely arranged everlasting flowers that form soft feathery plumes. A showy floriferous garden annual.
Expressive Silence
Certain silences are revealing and more expressive than words.
Linaria maroccana
Toadflax, Spurred snapdragon
Small bilabiate flowers with a short pointed spur, an erect upper lip that is shallowly divided into two rounded lobes and a lower lip that is crimped, then spreading and slightly scalloped and ruffled; in shades of blue, pink, purple and gold; borne in erect terminal racemes. A slender- stemmed annual herb with narrow linear leaves.
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