Spiritual Intensity
It is an intensity without violence. The ardour it gives you is espressed without grand gesture and big words.

Orthosiphon stamineus
Cat's whiskers
Small rose purple salverform flower with a very thin corolla tube, two irregular opposite lobes, one spreading and one narrow, and long graceful exserted upward curving stamens; borne in elongated terminal racemes. A weak-stemmed perennial with dark green serrated leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr

Aspiration for Spiritual Intensity
Bold, elegant, obstinate.

Orthosiphon stamineus
Cat's whiskers
Small white salverform flower with a very thin corolla tube, two irregular opposite lobes, one spreading and one narrow, and long graceful exserted upward curving stamens which are pale lavender at the top; borne in elongated terminal racemes. A weak-stemmed perennial with dark green serrated leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Scott.Zona

Intensity of the Consciousness in the Full Supramental Light
It is radiant and radiates in order to illuminate the world.

Medium to large fully double yellow compositae flowers; borne singly or in corymbs. An annual or perennial herb.

Photo Courtesy: Ogrodnikk

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