LightLight is not knowledge but the illumination that comes from above and liberates the being from obscurity and darkness.
Our sense by its incapacity has invented darkness. In truth there is nothing but Light, only it is a power of light either above or below our poor human vision's limited range. For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere. God is everywhere and wherever God is, there is Light.
SRI AUROBINDOEven if there is much darkness — and the world is full of it and the physical nature of man also - yet a ray of the true Light can prevail eventually against a tenfold darkness. Believe that and cleave to it always.
Light and airy, it radiates.
Cestrum diurnum
Night jessamine
Small fragrant white narrow tubular flower with a tiny recurved limb; borne in axillary clusters. A medium to tall shrub with glossy leaves.
Attraction for the Light
In its attraction it tries to imitate the stars.
Curculigo orchioides
Small golden yellow star-shaped flower borne near the base of the plant on a short scape. A slender tuberous herb with long lanceolate delicately veined leaves.
Aspiration in Physical for the Supramental Light
Clustered, persistent, obstinate, organised, methodical.
Ixora javanica [Ixora singaporensis]
Common red ixora, Javanese ixora
Small golden orange to red orange salverform flower with a long thin corolla tube and a limb divided into four somewhat diamond-shaped lobes; borne in large compact corymbs. A large shrub in bloom most of the year.
Connection between the Light and Physical
Physical centre touched by the Light. Awakens to the necessity of growth and blossoming.
Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Large showy flowers with three soft round irregular petals, all bicoloured yellow and red flowers; borne in terminal clusters on sturdy stems erect perennial rhizomatous herb with lush foliage.
Consciousness Turned towards the Light
It thirsts for Light and cannot live without it.
Medium to large single compositae flowers with a prominent centre of brown or green disc florets and light to deep yellow ray florets; borne singly. An annual or perennial herb.
Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light
It thirsts for truth and will find its satisfaction only in the truth.
Medium to large single compositae flowers with a prominent centre of brown or green disc florets and yellow orange ray florets; borne singly. An annual or perennial herb.
Intensity of the Consciousness in the Full Supramental Light
It is radiant and shining in order to illuminate the world.
Medium to large fully double yellow compositae flowers; borne singly or in corymbs. An annual or perennial herb.
Descent of the Light
It flows towards the earth in harmonious waves.
Laburnum anagyroides
Common laburnum, Golden chain
Small golden yellow papilionaceous flowers borne in abundant terminal racemes. A small tree, highly ornamental when in bloom.
First Conscious Reception of the Light in Nature
The origin or starting-point of the will to progress. Nature has an instinctive thirst for Light.
Widow's tears, Dayflower
Tiny blue to lavender flower with two upper clawed petals, one lower inconspicuous petal and three smaller whitish sepals; emerging singly or in pairs from a folded green bract. A perennial succulent herb.
First Turning of the Vital towards the Divine
The vital prepares itself to be transformed.
Rudbeckia hirta 'Gloriosa Daisy'
Black-eyed Susan, Marguerite jaune
Medium to large single compositae flower with elongated yellow ray florets that are often banded or suffused with brown or maroon near the base and a dome-shaped centre composed of green or brown disc florets; borne singly. A hairy perennial herb.
First Sign of Krishna’s Light in Matter
It is the indication of the coming transformation.
Evolvus alsinoides
Tiny sky blue saucer-shaped flower with a white centre and anthers; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters. A prostrate spreading perennial countryside herb.
Opening to the Light
Harmonises with all that can lead towards the Light.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle, Bush clock vine
Medium-sized salverform flowers in lavender blue, purple and white with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Opening of the Higher Vital to the Light
The vital existing only for the Divine. The vital knowing no other master than the Divine.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Medium-sized variegated lavender and white salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
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Opening of the Material Vital to the Light
One of the essential conditions for peace.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle
Medium-sized deep violet salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Integral Opening to the Light
The assurance of the coming peace and joy.
Thunbergia erecta Alba
King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Medium-sized white salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat; a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Krishna’s Light in the Mind
A charming way of becoming intelligent.
Thunbergia grandiflora
Blue trumpet vine, Clock vine, Bengal clock vine, Sky vine
Large light lavender salverform flower with a broad limb divided into five rounded lobes, a soft yellow centre and a corolla tube that emerges from two prominent green bracts; borne in pendulous racemes. A vigorous vine with dense rough foliage.
Krishna’s Light in the Overmind
The Overmind ready to be Divinised.
Salvia farinacea
Salvia farinacea
Mealy sage, Mealy-cup sage
Small lavender blue bilabiate flower with a broadly extended lower lip marked with a white patch in the centre and light grey blue calyces; borne in whorls in erect terminal spikes. A branching lightly pubescent perennial herb.
Krishna’s Light in the Physical Mind
The physical mind looses all rigidity and becomes supple and charming.
Ruellia lorentziana [Ruellia ciliatiflora]
Medium-sized pale lavender salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, a violet throat and a limb divided into five somewhat crinkled lobes; borne in few-flowered axillary cymes or terminal panicles. A perennial herb with long pendant flexuous branches.
Krishna’s Light in the Vital
The light that turns the vital towards the Truth.
Ruellia tuberosa
Meadow-weed, Menow weed
Small pale purple salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, a purple throat and a limb divided into five somewhat crinkled lobes; borne in few-flowered axillary cymes or terminal panicles. A perennial herb with lanceolate leaves.
Krishna’s Light in the Senses
A first step towards transformation.
Clitoria ternatea
Blue pea. Blue vine, Butterfly pea, Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Medium-sized single papilionaceous flower that has a broad oval pale blue central petal with a yellow centre and wing petals edged with pale blue; borne singly on a short stem. A slender perennial vine with beanlike pods.
Krishna’s light in the Subconscient
Soon it will no longer be Subconscient.
Eranthemum wattii
Small purple salverform flowers borne on a bracted spike. A small shrubby perennial.
Joy of Vegetal Nature in Answer to the New Light
It dances with joy and laughs happily.
All species with long showy bright red exserted stamens and tiny inconspicuous greenish white petals set among linear lanceolate leaves; borne in spikes resembling a bottlebrush. A shrub or small tree with aromatic leaves.
Light in Fairyland
The fairies are ready to let themselves be guided by the Divine.
Kalanchoe pinnata
Air plant, Life plant, Hoppers
Small pendulous yellow green narrow tubular calyces shaded purple red at the base; the four pointed green petals tinged light red are barely visible at the tip of the calyx; borne in dense clusters. A succulent perennial herb with thick fleshy leaves that produce young plants at their tips.
Light in the Blood
When the blood becomes receptive to the higher consciousness.
Anethum graveolens
Tiny yellow five-petalled flowers in compound umbels. A culinary herb with soft feathery strongly aromatic leaves.
Foeniculum vulgare
Sturdy compound umbels of numerous tiny slightly cup-shaped greenish yellow flowers. A culinary herb with soft finely divided aromatic leaves.
Light in the Cells
The first step towards purity in the cells.
Shrub verbena
Tiny yellow salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.
Light in the vital
One of the first steps on the long way.
Cestrum elegans
Small white to light purple narrow tubular flower with a pale lavender five-pointed limb; borne in terminal clusters. A loose open shrub.
Movements in the Light
This is possible only with a great sincerity.
Pentas lanceolata
Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Small white salverform five-pointed star-shaped limb; airy thin corolla tube; borne in terminal clusters. An almost ever blooming subshrub pubescent ovate to lanceolate leaves.
Light in the vital movements
This certainly means the beginning of wisdom.
Pentas lanceolata
Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Small salverform flowers in shaded of mauve with a five-pointed star-shaped limb; airy thin corolla tube; borne in terminal clusters. An almost ever blooming subshrub pubescent ovate to lanceolate leaves.
Psychic Light in the Physical Movements
The first step towards the transformation of the physical.
Pentas lanceolata
Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Small vivid pink salverform five-pointed star-shaped limb; airy thin corolla tube; borne in terminal clusters. An almost ever blooming subshrub pubescent ovate to lanceolate leaves.
Psychic Light in the Material Movements
Essential condition for transformation.
Pentas lanceolata
Star-cluster, Egyptian star-cluster
Small bright red salverform f-pointed star-shaped limb; airy thin corolla tube; borne in terminal clusters. An almost ever blooming subshrub pubescent ovate to lanceolate leaves.
Light of the Purified Power
Irresistibly simple in its power consecrated solely to the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Waimaea'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Medium to large mildly fragrant single flower with long slender milk white petals that are separated and recurved, and bright orange anthers.
Light without Obscurity
All-powerful in its simplicity.
Eucharis Xgrandiflora
Amazon lily, Eucharist lily, Madonna lily
Medium-sized pure white fragrant nodding salverform flower with six spreading petal-like lobes that surround a pale green corona; borne in few-flowered umbels on long scapes. A bulbous plant with broad glossy deep green leaves.
Mind of Light Acting in Matter
A powerful aid to progress.
Castanospermum australe
Moreton bay chestnut, Australian chestnut, Black bean
Small golden yellow to orange or reddish orange papilionaceous flower with long exserted stamens; borne on short lateral racemes on old wood. A medium-sized evergreen tree with dark green foliage.
Opening of the Emotional Centre to the Light
An important event in human development.
Pandorea jasminoides
Pandora vine, Bower vine, Southern Bell
Medium-sized sweetly fragrant white salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, five deeply cut rounded lobes and a pinkish lavender throat covered with fine hairs; borne in terminal panicles. A light vine with attractive glossy foliage.
Response of the Mind to the Supramental Light
Represents an important step towards realisation.
Asclepias curassavica
Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Tiny flowers with five yellow petals that curve back towards the stalk and a prominent central golden crown; borne in terminal cymes. A perennial herb with milky sap.
Response of the Physical Mind to the Supramental Light
The physical mind eager to understand and be transformed.
Asclepias curassavica
Blood flower, Swallow wort, Matal, Indian root
Tiny flowers with five orange red petals that curve back towards the stalk and a prominent central orange crown; borne in terminal cymes. A perennial herb with milky sap.
Photo Courtesy: Sergey
Seeking the Light in the Lower Vital
Does more work, makes less fuss.
Iochroma cyaneum
Small to medium-sized waxy deep purple narrow tubular flower that flares slightly at the apex; borne in few- to many-flowered pendulous clusters. A medium to large shrub with pubescent leaves.
Supramental Light in the Subconscient
Essential condition for transformation.
Crossandra infundibuliformis
Firecracker flower
Small showy bright yellow half-salverform flower with a limb divided into five irregular rounded lobes; borne in dense four-sided bracted spikes. A low perennial herb.
Psychic Light in the Subconscient
Preliminary condition for progress.
Crossandra infundibuliformis
Firecracker flower
Small showy bright salmon pink half-salverform flower with a limb divided into five irregular rounded lobes; borne in dense four-sided bracted spikes. A low perennial herb.
Tranquility of the Sex Centre when it is under the Influence of the Supramental Light
The Supramental influence liberates man from all that binds him to the animal.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
The Supramental influence liberates man from all that binds him to the animal.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Medium-sized single white compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
Supramental Light in the Sex Centre
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Cosmos sulphurous
Medium-sized single yellow compositae flower with eight overlapping delicately toothed ray florets and a tufted centre; borne singly or in panicles. An annual herb with finely cut leaves.
Vital Opening to the Supramental Light
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Small bluish purple salverform flowers with yellow centre; with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.
Picture not available.
Wealth in the Mind of Light
Open to all higher ideas.
Water lily
Large showy usually very fragrant blue flowers with golden centre and with numerous narrow pointed or rounded petals, many prominent erect stamens and four petal- like sepals; borne singly on long stems, either floating or held above the water. An aquatic rhizomatous herb with large floating peltate leaves.