Divine LoveDivine Love ... is again not something ethereal, cold and far, but a love absolutely intense, intimate and full of unity, closeness and rapture using all the nature for its expression.
For there is, concealed behind individual love, obscured by its ignorant human figure, a mystery which the mind cannot seize, the mystery of the body of the Divine, the secret of a mystic form of the Infinite which we can approach only through the ecstasy of the heart and the passion of the pure and sublimated sense, and its attraction which is the call of the divine Flute-player, the mastering compulsion of the All-Beautiful, can only be seized and seize us through an occult love and yearning which in the end makes one the Form and the Formless, and identifies Spirit and Matter. It is that which the spirit in Love is seeking here in the darkness of the Ignorance and it is that which it finds when individual human love is changed into the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material universe.
For me sadhana consists in loving the Divine more and more integrally, more and more absolutely, with a love so total that it leads to identification.
There is only one true love, the love from the Divine, which, in human beings, turns into love for the Divine.
A flower reputed to bloom even in the desert.
Punica granatum
Medium-sized double orange red flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.
Divine Love Spreading Over the World
Innumerable, succulent, it gives strength and life untiringly.
Punica granatum
Medium to large nearly round thick-skinned fruit that is yellow tinged with red when ripe and contains many seeds enclosed in a juicy reddish edible pulp; A shrub or small tree.
Unmanifest Divine Love
The splendour of that marvellous love which the Divine keeps for the pure heart.
Punica granatum
Medium-sized double white flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.
Love for the DivinePunica granatum
Medium-sized double orange red flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals.com
Divine Love Spreading Over the World
Innumerable, succulent, it gives strength and life untiringly.
Punica granatum
Medium to large nearly round thick-skinned fruit that is yellow tinged with red when ripe and contains many seeds enclosed in a juicy reddish edible pulp; A shrub or small tree.
Photo Courtesy: Shiva shankar
Unmanifest Divine Love
The splendour of that marvellous love which the Divine keeps for the pure heart.
Punica granatum
Medium-sized double white flower with innumerable tightly held crinkled petals; borne singly or in small clusters. A spiny shrub or small tree with many stems and glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals.com
The vegetal kingdom gathers together its most beautiful possibilities to offer them to the Divine.
All forms and sizes of roses, single and double, usually fragrant, in a great variety of colours; includes both shrubs and climbers.
Integral Love for the Divine
Pure, complete and irrevocable, it is a love that gives itself for ever.
Medium to large solitary pure white flower. A large shrub.
Psychic Love
Strong and faithful, it has a beauty that does not belie.
Small reddish pink roses
Photo Courtesy: Georges Seguin (Okki)
Flaming Love for the Divine
Ready for all heroism and all sacrifices.
Small to medium-sized solitary orange flower. A large shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Georges Seguin (Okki)
Humility in the Love for the Divine
Delicate, effective and surrendered, but very persistent in its feelings.
Rose Medium-sized lavender or mauve flower.
Photo Courtesy: Zanchetta Fabio
Loving Surrender
A state that can be obtained by surrendering to the Divine.
Pink roses except ‘Surrender’ (highly fragrant semi-double country pink rose) and ‘Perfect Surrender’ (Highy fragrant large hybrid pink roses; Rosa 'Paul Neyron')
Mental Love for the Divine
The nature offers its love in a fragrant blossoming.
Medium to large yellow flower. A medium to large shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Stan Shebs
Mental Love under the Psychic Influence
The mind influenced by the psychic knows how to express its love for the Divine in magnificent terms.
Rosa ‘Peace’
Medium to large cream or yellow flower tinged with pink. A medium to large shrub.
Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine
May they become a real fact, and their abundance will save the world.
Medium to large red flower. A large shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Kabils
Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.
All medium-sized bicoloured flowers. A large shrub.
Photo Courtesy: Renjishino
Love from the DivineA vibration of love that the Supreme directs upon a particular point (a person or thing).
Very large white flower tinged with pink and yellow. A shrub.
Picture not available.
Aspiration in the Physical for the Divine Love
Manifold, ecstatic, difficult to satisfy.
Russelia equisetiformis
Coral plant, Fountain plant, Firecracker plant
Small bright coral narrow tubular flowers with five tiny rounded lobes; borne in light cascading clusters. A small subshrub with rushlike angled, arching or pendulous stems.
Photo Courtesy: Eurico Zimbres; Zimbres
Beauty of Supramental love (Flower of Auroville)
It invites us to live at its height
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
- Large single salmon pink flower with broadly overlapping rounded petals, a small pink centre and a pale pink aura.
- Another form is medium to large with each petal delicately shaded yellow and a pale pink aura.
Photo Courtesy: Nemo's great uncle
Photo Courtesy: Kimberlyfaye
Divine Love Governing the World
A beautiful and happy world for which we all aspire.
Brownea coccinea
Scarlet flame bean
Large striking dense rounded clusters of numerous brilliant orange red cup-shaped flowers with exserted stamens. A small to medium-sized tree with soft pendulous translucent new leaves.
Picture Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Opening of the Physical to the Divine Love
The surest way to find happiness.
Ipomoea hederifolia
Small orange red salverform flower borne in few- to many-flowered cymes. A light annual vine with lobed leaves.
Photo Courtesy: B.navez
Love in the Physical for the Divine
Modest in appearance, but tenacious and charming; it does not make a fuss, but is very faithful.
Ipomoea quamoclit
Cypress vine, Star-glory, Indian pink, Cardinal climber
Small intense red starlike salverform flower with a long narrow tube and conspicuous white anthers; borne singly or in few-flowered clusters from the leaf axils. A soft light climber with threadlike leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Dancing Goose
Opening of the Vital to the Divine Love
Little by little it is no longer the ego that governs, but the Divine.
Euphorbia cyathophora
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Terminal clusters of tiny inconspicuous flowers with yellow stamens surrounded by striking ovate to fiddle-shaped leaves and bracts that are bright red orange at the base. A gregarious annual herb.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower
Large showy ovate-lanceolate floral bracts which vary from red through pink to white surrounding clusters of small round green flowers with red tops and golden yellow protuberances in the centres. A well-known striking winter-flowering shrub with milky latex.
Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar
Victorious Love
Sure of itself, fearless, generous and smiling.
Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Large double glowing pink flower with soft delicate petals; flowers open pink and stay pink.
Photo Courtesy: Guppystorm
Works of Love
The best condition for work.
Impatiens walleriana
Patience plant, Sultana, Zanzibar balsam, Busy Lizzie
Small flat flower with a very narrow spur and five broad irregular overlapping petals that often have an iridescent sheen; in all shades except blue and yellow, often variegated; borne singly or in axillary or terminal racemes. A succulent perennial herb.
Photo Coueresy: Forest & Kim Starr
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