Light without Obscurity

All-powerful in its simplicity.

Eucharis X grandiflora
Amazon lily, Eucharist lily, Madonna lily
Medium-sized pure white fragrant nodding salverform flower with six spreading petal-like lobes that surround a pale green corona; borne in few-flowered umbels on long scapes. A bulbous plant with broad glossy deep green leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Jen64

Obscurity Offers Itself to be Transformed
Obscurity tired of being obscure.

Thunbergia alata
Black-eyed Susan vine
Small yellow orange to orange salverform flowers with a limb composed of five broad some what squared lobes, a dark maroon or green throat and a curved corolla tube that emerges from two enlarged inflated bracts; usually borne singly from the leaf axils. A light annual or perennial vine.

Photo Courtesy: Carl E Lewis

Transformation Dispels Obscurity

Obscurity will disappear more and more as the transformation progresses.

Thunbergia alata ‘Julietta’
Black-eyed Susan vine
Medium-sized golden yellow to deep orange flower salverform flowers with a limb composed of five broad some what squared lobes, without a dark maroon throat and a curved corolla tube that emerges from two enlarged inflated bracts; usually borne singly from the leaf axils. A light annual or perennial vine.

Photo Courtesy: Melop

Offering of All Obscurities
Offer your obscurities sincerely to the Divine and you will be able to receive the Light.

Alcea rosea
Medium to large single or double funnel-shaped dark purple, almost black flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short staminal column covered with loose yellow pollen; borne on tall spirelike stems. A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Bluecherry1408

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