Flowers are the prayers of the vegetal kingdom

Prayer is only a particular form given to ... will, aspiration and faith. ... Its power and sense is to put the will, aspiration and faith of man into touch with the divine Will as that of a conscious Being with whom we can enter into conscious and living relations. ... In spiritual matters and in the seeking of spiritual gains, this conscious relation is a great power; it is a much greater power than our own entirely self-reliant struggle and effort and it brings a fuller spiritual growth and experience.

Here is my constant prayer to our Lord:
"O my beloved Lord, let Thy Will be done. Thy Will alone, without any resistance or opposition. Thy Will is our happiness and our security."

Self-giving is true prayer.

Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small to medium-sized funnel-shaped flowers with six pointed petals, in several colours; borne singly on scapes. A small bulbous herb with grass like leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Chrischang

Psychic Prayer

Spontaneous and fervent.

Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Medium-sized funnel-shaped light pink flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.

Mental Prayer

Spontaneous in a mind that is aspiring for transformation.

Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small to medium-sized funnel-shaped fragrant yellow flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Bernard Loison

Vital Prayer

The vital prays to be purified.

Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small funnel-shaped fragrant deep pink flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Chrischang

Integral Prayer
The whole being is concentrated in a single prayer to the Divine.

Zephyr flower, Fairy lily, Rain lily
Small to medium-sized funnel-shaped white flowers with six pointed petals. A small bulbous herb with grasslike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: M.arunprasad

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