Indispensable for all true progress.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes, in many colours and often with a contrasting, usually white centre; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Psychic Thoroughness
With tireless patience it works for the perfection of the being.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small pink salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Vital thoroughness
The vital must become calm and docile.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small mauve salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Physical thoroughness
Takes great care of details in the execution of work.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small dark red salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Integral Thoroughness
Nothing is neglected in order to reach the Divine Goal.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small white salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat-topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

Artistic Thoroughness
Neglects nothing in its search for perfection.
Verbena X Hybrida
Common garden verbena, Florists' verbena
Small soft red with cream centre salverform flowers with irregular rounded lobes; borne in flat- topped terminal spikes. A creeping matlike perennial often grown as an annual; the sagittate pubescent leaves have crenate margins.

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